1—4 小 结


从上面所述,我们看到了,美国从本世纪初到 50 和 60 年代,一直在力图按美国的社会经济情况,解决这个十分棘手的问题,也看到了美国的争论的焦点和走过的道路。





(民主化)是否必然会造成学生的“平庸”即理智水平低劣? “质量”与”平等”是否不可兼得?对这些问题的不同回答,会导致中等教育各种措施(作用,课程,政策)的迥异。






①④⑦R.Freeman Butts, Public Education in

the Uuited States:From Revoltion to Reform,H- olt,Renihart & Winston, 1978.P.vi; p.v; p.163.

②Ellwood P, Cubberley, Public Education in the U- nited States:A Study and Interpretation of Ameri can Educational History,Houghton Mifflin, 1919. p.vlll

③ John S. Brubacher,Higher Education in TransitiontAn American History, 1636-1956, Harper & Row,1958. p.172.

⑤ Martin Trow, The Expansion and Transformationof Higher Education, 载"International Review ofEducation", Vol. XVIII, 1972/l . p. 61.

⑥ W. Kenneth Riclhard, Rducatipn in the U.S.A.

⑦ A Comparative Study, Alvin Redman, 1956. p.24.

⑧ The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 18. p.983.

⑨ ⑩ Samuel Bowles et al., Schooling in CapitalistAmerica: .Education Reform and the Contradictionof Economic Life, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976.p.180; p.234.

  1. Lawrence A.Cremin,Transformation of tbe School,Progressivism in American Education, 1876-1957,Alfred A. Knoff, 1961. p.viii-ix.

  2. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 9 . p.669.

  3. New Age Encyclopedia, Vol. 6 . p.274.

  4. Sol Cohen, ed., Education in the United States, ADocumentary History, Ramdom House, 1974.p.2627.

  5. Robert I. Churcl,Education in the United States:An Interptetative History, The Free Press, 1976. p.p.403 .

  6. Merle Curti, The Social ldeas of Ainerican Educa ′ -ors, Little-field Adams, 1978. p.zxxvii.

  7. Adolph E. Meyar, The Development of Educetionin the Twentietb Century, 2nd ed., EnglewoodCliffs, 1949. p.148.

  8. W.C. Bagley, An Essentielist′s Platform forthe Advencement of Americen Education, 载 TyrusHillway,"American Education, An Introductionthrough Readings", Houghton Mifflin, 1964. p.143;p. 149.

  9. Edward J. Power, The Transit of Learning: A So-cial and Cultural Introduction of American Educa-tional History, Alfred, 1979. p.306.

  10. C. Winfield Scott, et al., public Education underCriticism, Prentice-Hall, 1954. p. 3--4.

  11. Brand Blanshard, ed., Education in the Age of Sc-ience, Basic Books, 1959, p.xii.