

形是,开始由一个客户要求一个“昨天就该完成的”项目。合伙人去电给一位助理,要求“前天”完成任务。合伙人紧催,那个助理赶紧行动。合伙人拥有权力。问题是雇员们被逼急了,离职了。对这些公司来说,所幸的是有一大批急不可待的 MBA 顶替了他们的位置。如果你选择了高压战术,你必须肯定拥有这个权力,并且愿意处理由此引起的后果。


最要紧的是,MBA 们应当三思而后行。当需要采取行动时, 他们必须彻底分析形势,首先从个人的角度,然后从公司优势的角度,以制定一个协调一致且行之有

效的计划。MBA 们绝不是要学成什么“组织专家”,而是在拥有了一些理论和框架后,一旦出现问题时,他们能更加有效付之行动。


Want Got Gaps -Organizational problems

Causal Chains -The relationship of problems to one another

Action Planning -A specific series of activities to solve an organizational problm

APCFB Model -A human psychology model

Goal Congruence - People with similar goals work better together.

Expectancy Theory _Motivation is a function of how an employee's actions translate into a reward.

VCM Leadersbip Model - The vision, commitment, and menagement aspects of leadership.

Active Listening - Listening to gain insight

The 5 Forms of Power - Power is derived from more than a title.

The Basic Organizational Model - Strategy, policies, structure, systems, chilmate, and culture

Structure - The way a company organizes itself

Span of Control - The number of peopole a manager directly controls

Paradigm - A corporate mindset or pattern of doing things

Systems Theory - An organization functions much like a body.

The Evolution and Revolution Pattern - Organizations go through a series of growth and crisis periods during their lifetime.