






The 7 Steps of Market Strategy Development:

  1. Consumer analysis

  2. Market analysis

  3. Competitive analysis

  4. Distribution channel analysis

  5. Develop the marketing mix

  6. Determine the economics

  7. Revise

Need Categories—All the possible uses of a product or service

The buying Process—The stages of making a purchase

Product Involvement—The importance of a product to the consumer

Segmentation Variables — ways to divide the population to find a profitable target

Relevant market—The portion of the market that is interested in your product

Product Life Cycle—The birth-to -death(and possibly rebirth)life cycle of a product

Perceptual Mapping — A multivariable picture of a product and its competitors

Channel Margin Mathematics — Each level in the distribution takes a margin of the selling price it charges to the next level of distribution.

The Marketing Mix of the 4P's — Product, place, promotion, and price

Distribution Strategies—Exclusive, selective, and mass market

Channel Power — Who in the distribution chain dictates the terms of the relationships

Advertising Measures —Reach, frequency, GRP, TRP, share of voice⋯Buy wisely.

Pricing Strategies —Cost plus, penetration, value pricing, skimming

Break Evens—The volume of sales needed to recover the fixed cost of a marketing plan