"Active Listening," Case UVA-OB-341, copyright 1986 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Beer, Michael. "Note on Performance Appraisal," Case 478-019, College, copyright 1977 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved.

Byrne, John A. "Business Fads: What's In-and Out." Business Week, January 20, 1986, p.55 (MBA buzzwords).

Edwards, Jeffrey R. "Assessing Your Behavior Pattern," Case UVAOB-360, copyright  1987 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia,

p.3 (Types A and B).

French, John R. P., and Bertram Raven. "The Bases of Social Power," Group Dynamics, ed. Darwin Cartwright. Evanston, Il.: Row, Peterson, 1960, pp.607-623 (power). Gabarro, John J., and John P. Kotter. "Managing Your Boss." Harvard Business Review, Vol. 57, No. 1 (January/February 1980), pp.92-100. Copyright 1980 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights


Hackman, J. Richard, and Greg R. Oldham. "Development of Job Diagnostic Surveys." Fournal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 60, 1975, pp.159-170.

Hogan, Eileen A. "One Model for Action Planning," Case UVAOB-261R. Copyright 1983 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Kepner, Charles H., and Benjamin B. Tregoe. The Rational Manager: A Systematic Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965, p.55 (deviations, want got gaps).

Kotter, John P., and Leonard A. Schlesinger. "Choosing Strategies for Change." Harvard Business Review, Vol. 57, No.2 (March/April 1980), pp.106-144. Copyright 1980 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved (strategies for change).

Levine, Joshua. "Dare e togliere (give and tade away)." Forbes, October 28, 1991, p.115 (Armani).Tannenbaum, Robert, and Warren H. Schmidt. "How to Choose a Leadership Pattern." Harvard Business Review, Vol. 51, No. 3(May/June 1973), pp. 162-173. Copyright 1973 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved.

Zierden, William E. "A Framework for Understanding Organizations," Darden School Case UVA-OB-187, copyright 1982 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia (the basic organization model).