Table of Contents


Foreword ...................................... Chu Yaping(Ⅱ)

A Research on the Modernization of School

Geography Textbooks ........................... Lin Peiying(1)


Ⅰ. General theories about textbooks (Ⅰ) The nature of textbooks

(Ⅱ) The functions of textbooks

Ⅱ. A study of the system of school geography textbooks

(Ⅰ) The Presentation system of school geography textbooks (Ⅱ) The content system of school geography textbooks

Ⅲ. How to compile school geography textbooks

( Ⅰ )General theories about the compilation of school geography textbooks

(Ⅱ)The compilation models of school geography textbooks Conclusion


A Research on Intelligence Structure of GeographicalTeaching Material for Schools ........................ Chen Shengqing (41)

Ⅰ. Concept of intelligence structure (Ⅰ) Factors of intelligence

(Ⅱ) Concept of intelligence structure

Ⅱ. Optimal Structure of geographical teaching mate-rial for schools

(Ⅰ) Multiple structure of teaching material

(Ⅱ) Conditions of optimal functions for teaching material (Ⅲ) Key to optimization of teaching material structure Ⅲ .Basic characteristics of intelligence structure of

geographical teaching material for schools (Ⅰ) Integral characterictic

(Ⅱ) Orderly characterictic (Ⅲ) Geographic characteristic

Ⅳ .Optimum designing of geographical teaching ma-terial structure for Chinese schools

(Ⅰ ) Clarifying the guiding thought of teaching material compilation

(Ⅱ) Improving the system of geographical teach-ing material in Chinese schools



Study on the Expression of Teaching Material in Ge-ography Textbooks in Schools ....................................... Wang Zhaohe(84)


Ⅰ. Importance of the study on the expression (Ⅰ)Contribution to kindling students' interestin the course (Ⅱ)Contribution to students′ mastering knowl-edge by the

rules of study

(Ⅲ)Contribution to students' development in in- tellect

( Ⅳ )Contribution to correct ideological educati-on to students

Ⅱ. Historical experience and present problems inthe expression in China

(Ⅰ) Evolution and experience in the expression since the founding of the People's Republic of China

(Ⅱ) Problems and their causes of the expressionin recent years

Ⅲ. Theoretical research on the expression (Ⅰ) Theoretical bases for the expression (Ⅱ) Basic principles of the expression

Ⅳ. Study on the optimizational expression (Ⅰ) Selection of teaching material

( Ⅱ )Arrangement for the fundamental structureof selected material

(Ⅲ)Design of the means of the expression (Ⅳ)Disposal of different kinds of knowledge

(Ⅴ)Choice of the forms of combining knowledge in regional geography

Conclusion References

The study about Structures of School Geographic Cur-riculumZheng Yafei(124)


Ⅰ . The comparison of school geographic curriculum and structures

( Ⅰ ) The essential conception about school geog- raphic curriculum

①The systems of school geographic curriculum

②The elements of school geographic curriculum

( Ⅱ ) The evolution of structures of school geogr-aphic curriculum in china

①The period of start(1904—1922)

②The period of the Republic of China(1922—1949)

③ The period of the People's Republic of


(Ⅲ) The structures of school geographic curricu-lum in some countries and areas

①The Soviet Union

②The United States of America,Japan,the Fed-eration of German

③Hong Kong

④The developing trend of the structures of for-eign school geographic curriculum

Ⅱ . The analyse of the structures of school geogra- phic curriculum

( Ⅰ ) The essential characteristics of the structures of geographic knowledge and curriculum

(Ⅱ) The Psycholgical Process for student studygeography

①The psycholgical process of intelligent eleme- nts

②The psycholgical process of non-intelligentelements (Ⅲ )The objective structures and content

struc-tures of school geographic curriculum Conclusion


A Study of Psychological Variables and Instructive Tactics in Geographical Concept Learning of Middle school StudentsYuan Yabing(188)


Ⅰ. A summary of the relevant documents Ⅱ. Methods of study

(Ⅰ)A general view of the study (Ⅱ) Literature method

(Ⅲ) Survey method

Ⅲ.Results of the study and discussions

( Ⅰ )Inspection on the state of geographical con-cept teaching in middle schools

①Students'learning interest in geographical co- ncepts

②Teaching and learning geographical concepts

③Students'grasp of geographical concepts

④The differences of learning between male stu- dents and female students

⑤The differences of learning among students in the schools of different class

(Ⅱ) Analysis on the psychological variables of middle school students' geographical concept learning

①Learning interest and motivation

②Knowledge basis and its transfer function

③Perception and image

④Variable example and comparison

⑤Relevant andirrelevant characteristics of con-cepts

⑥Positive and negative cases of concepts

⑦Exercise factors

(Ⅲ)The primary variables of students' geogra-phical concept learning and the effective in- structive tactics

① The primary variables of learning psychologyand the theoretical model

②Discussion of instructive tactics of effectivelearning

③A quantitive analysis of students' disorder in learning geographical concepts at present

Conclusion Appendix 1

Appendix 2 References

The Research on the Students Geographic Learning PsychologyXia Zhifang(239)


Ⅰ .The significance of the research on geographiclearning psychology

(Ⅰ) Helping raise geographic learning efficiency

( Ⅱ )Contribution to reduce blindness in geograp-hic teaching

(Ⅲ) Providing Psychology basis for geographiccurriculum, geographic syllabus and geogr- aphic textbooks

(Ⅳ) deepening the theory of geographic teachi-ng methods Ⅱ.Students' geographic learning psychology chara- cteristics

(Ⅰ) The age divergence of geographic learning

(Ⅱ) The individuality divergence of geographiclearning (Ⅲ) The sex divergence of geographic learning

Ⅲ. The general theory of learning process and thepattern of geographic learning process

(Ⅰ) The general view of learning process

(Ⅱ) The pattern of geographic learning process

Ⅳ . The discussion of psychology problems in geog- raphic learning process

(Ⅰ) The motive of geographic learning

(Ⅱ) The perception of geographic information (Ⅲ) The understanding of geographic knowledge (Ⅳ) The solidification of geographic knowledge (Ⅴ) The application of geographic knowledge (Ⅵ) The creative thought in geographic learning

Conclusion References

The Development of Computer Assisted Learning in Geography in the UK

—and a study of its application in China ....... Lin Peiying(289)


Ⅰ. The overview of the development of CAL ingeography in the UK.

(Ⅰ) The background of the development (Ⅱ)The early stage of the development

(Ⅲ) The some developments of CAL in the UKin recent years

Ⅱ. The main affective factors in the developmentof CAL (Ⅰ) The role of the geography curriculum

(Ⅱ) The role of geography teacher (Ⅲ) The role of pupils

(Ⅳ) The effect of financial situation

Ⅲ. Work needed to promote the further development of CAL (Ⅰ) Teacher training

(Ⅱ) Software designing and evaluatingⅣ. The application of CAL in China

(Ⅰ)The background of the development of CALin China (Ⅱ) The Problems have to be solved in the development

Conclusion References