
  1. 浏览答题,明确要求


  1. 快速阅读,弄懂大意



文章是围绕中心思想展开的,中心思想是借主题句来表达的。一般说来, 在一个段落中,主题句的位置有五种情况:a.在段首,b.在段尾,c.在段中,d.在段首和段尾,e.暗含段中。主题句在段首的段落多是用演绎法撰写的,如新闻报道;用归纳法撰写的段落主题句常在段尾;主题句在段落当中的一般包括三个层次:引题——主题——解释或提问——回答——解释; 用前后呼应,两次点题的写作手法所写段落的主题句多在段首和段尾。有的


Animal trainers praise and reward their animals when they do their tricks nell.They do not like to strike the animals when they make mistakes.They believe that the best way to train animals is kindness.

The main idea of the paragraph is . A.Animal trainers often animals.

  1. Animal trainers often reward their animals.

  2. Animal trainers seldom strike the animals.

  3. Animal trainers are sure that kindness is the best way to train


正确选择是 D。前面的两句话是对最后一句的进一步说明,或最后一句是前面所陈述的一切的归纳,故最后一句为主题句。

方法②找关键词,特别注意实义词。A.You needn’t doit today.

  1. It is not nevessary for you to do it today.

  2. It’s not necessary that you should do it today.

  3. It’s unecessary for you to do it today.



  1. 根据上下文,推测生词词义,是阅读和扩大词汇量的好方法。a.从本句或前后句的释义中推测词义。 b.从句子的结构推测词义。

c.从前后文的对比中推测词义。 d.从熟悉的语境中,根据自己的经验推测词义。例如:

Sailing along a canal,a ship often has to go through a series of locks.Locks are like stairs for ships.They make it possible for a ship to go“upstairs”from a low body of water to a higher one of “downstairs”from a high body of water to a lower one.

When talking about canals,what do we mean by a“lock”? A.It is a tank in a ship.

  1. It is something that helps keep a gate closed.

  2. It is a stair with many steps

  3. It is something with walls and gates.

正确选择为 D,从熟悉的语境中,我们知道“lock”的一般词义为“锁”, 可理解为“B”但根据前后句的释义,再根据自己所学知识“lock”就应理解为“闸门”“水闸”之意,故选 D。

  1. 根据构词法猜测推断词义,构词主要包括派生、合成和转化。例如: In the streets,sleepy—eyed people were moving quickly,heading

towards their job.

句中 heading 就是 head 名词转化成动词后加-ing 变来的,因此推断为“率先”、“前进”。

  1. 仔细琢磨,逐一解答。


⋯He is a black,white and brown English settler.He uses a special tybpewriter(打字机);it bas shallow howl-like keys that are about two inches wide⋯

The writer tells us that Arli’s typewriter . A.has only a small number of keys.

B.is smaller than an ordinary typewriter.

C.is larger than an ordimary typewriter. D.something give you a bit for trouble.

正确选择 C。这一选择是根据所述情况 special typewriter,shallow bowl— like keys , about two inches wide ,再结合我们日常中使用的typewriter,分析的结果 is larger than anordinary typewriter.



例如,1993 年 NMET 第 77 题:

77.The people who held Santa Fe for the longest periodin history were the .

A.Spanish B.Indians C.Mexicans D.Americans

正确选择是 A。从文章中并不能直接判断出谁统治 Santa Fe 时间最长, 只能把文中与选项有关的年份、时间段等数据综合起来,并结合答题,进行计算和判断,才能得知 Spanish 统治的时间长。


在理解原文的基础上作出切题的概括、总结和评价,领会作者成人物的意向、态度等,例如 1993 年的 NMET 第 61 题:

61.The best headline(标题)for this newspaper article would be .

A.The kingdom of Bicycles.

B.A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’an. C.Marco Polo and the Silk Road.

D.An American Achiering His Arims.

正确选项为 D。从短文内容看,ABC 三项只是文中的局部细节,概括全文, 本文的主人公从 11 岁就决心到中国访问丝绸之路,44 年后实现了自己的愿望,因此选 D。

