当地很多开来信用证要求类似“ Combined Certificate ofvalue & Chinese origin”或“Combined lnvoice with originand value”的单据, 并没有特别指明“Customs, Invoice”或“Certified lnvoice”,可以用商业发票代替。即在商业发票上端加注信用证上所规定的单据名称,如“Combined Cerilfi-cate of Value&Chinese Origin”,同时发票列明“FOB” 价,保险费及运费。如信用证有规定外汇管理编号,也应加上。并在空白处作如下证明:
“We hereby certify that this invoice is in all respect true and correct and is the only one issued for the mer-chandise mentioned herein and that no different invoice has-been or will be furnished to any one”。