第四节 其 它


一、装船通知(shipping advice)


在第十一章第三节出口货物运输保险单据的种类中第四项曾经介绍过预保单,预保单是办理预约保险项下所使用的保险单据。在这种保险种类下, 被保险人或直接由出口商在装运货物后立即通知进口国保险公司使其预约保险生效。这种预约保险所要求的装运通知,有人又叫它为“预保信”。


Insurance to be effected by accountee,and shippingadvice must besent to ××× Insurance Co.by beneficiaryquoting 0pen policy No⋯⋯immediately after shipmentand a copy of this advice to accompany the negotiating documents.


(一) Our Ref.

Your Ref. Dalian,⋯⋯



Re:Open Dolicy No.⋯⋯

(Cover Note No.⋯⋯⋯)

We declare that the shipment under the captioned Openpolicy(Cover Note)has been made.The details of shipmentare stated below.please cover insurance and send your ac-knowledgment direct to the insured party.Commodity:


Invoice Value: (Plus l0%)

Means of conveyance:per s.s./m.s. Date of shipment:

Port ofLoading: Destination: shippjng Marks: c.c.



M/s. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


In compliance with the requirement of insurance pur-pose, we hereby declare that the goods have been shipped:

1)Commodity: 2)Quantity: 3)Value:

Insurance Amount:

4)convevance:per s.s. 5)Port of Loading: 6)Destination: 7)consignee: 8)Shipping Marks: 9)Shipphg date: 10)Open Policy No.



Our Ref. No. Dalian,⋯⋯⋯⋯


  1. Name of Commodity:

  2. Quantity: 3)Invoice Value:

  1. Name of Carrying Steamer:

  2. Date of shipment : 6)Shipping Marks: c·c·

二、进口声明(Form III)

对加拿大出口食品类商品要求出“III”型的进口声明。进口声明有时又叫做“洁净食品证书’(Pure Food Certifi- cate)。如信用证要求出具“洁净食品证书”,可以在单据的标题处改为“pure Food Certificate”。

本声明的第五行“Entry”后填目的港;第六行填受益人名及地址;第八行和第九行按商品情况填列:第十行填唛头:第十一行填制造商,如制造商即受益人,也可以填受益人名称:第十三行填收货人名及地址;第十五行“I” 后填发货人名称,最后一行由发货人签章。



(进口声明格式) FORM Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅰ

Place Date To the Collector of Customs and Excise

Port of Entry Canada Exporter Address

Product Gradc Brand No,of Cases Size

&No. Per case

Identnication Marks:

Name and address of the actual manufacturer :

Name and address of consignee :

I, , shipper for the above mentioned Exporterdo hereby declare:

a)that the ship ment described above was manufactur-ed from sound raw materials,and that its manufacture wascarried on under the sanitary conditions;

b)that the products are at the time of shipment,sound,wholesome and fit for human food:

c)that the containers and packages show thereon thetrue name and address of the manufacturer,or the first deal-er;

d)that the description of the contents is true and cor-rect.

(Signature of shipper)