Step Ⅴ Teach two English songs”

Step Ⅵ. Part 2, Page 65,SB. Speech Cassette,Lesson 65. Books open. Get Ss to read and translate the sentences.Play the

tape. Ss listen and repeat. Step Ⅶ Practice Ex.Ⅰ&Ex.Ⅱ,Lesson 65,Wb. Ss work in pairs.

Ex.Ⅱ. Give an example and then get Ss to work in pairs.Step Ⅷ EX.3,Workbook

First review yours/mine/hers/his,etc.

Use classroom objects.Ask Is this pen yours? Is mine/his/hers? Before Ss read the passpge ,ask some puestions:

Whose is the box?Is it big? Is it heavy or light?

Ss reakd silently to find the answers. Check the answers orally,and then go throutgh the dialogue.Explain the meaning of too.Tell Ss to practise reading the dialogue in threes. Ask some Ss to read the dialogue aloud.