Step Ⅳ Practice

1.S on duty:Stand up! T: Good morning, class!

Ss:Good morning,Miss Jiang. 2.Go out and come in again. S on duty:Stand up!

T:Good morning, class! Ss:Good morning,Miss Jiang. T:Sit down,please.

  1. Get the Ss to say“Good morning” individually, in lines and in chorus. Step Ⅴ Presentation
  1. Teach“Stand up”and“Sit down”by demonstration.

  2. Ask the Ss to respond to instructions to show that theyreally

    understand“Stand up” and“Sit down”.


A.T:I am your teacher.My name is Jiang Xiaoning.Youmay call me MissJiang.

B.Write the second sentence on the Bb.

C.Ask the Ss to guess the meaning of the sentence.