
在新课开始前提出几个和新课有关的问题,让学生进行讨论式回答,引出新课的主题和课中的主要词句。由于有自由发挥的机会,学生很有兴趣, 常常七嘴八舌地说出多种回答。教师则有意地把问题引向新课。这种方法很重要的一点是提出讨论的问题要问得精、问得巧、问到点子上,并能引起学生的积极思维。有时老师对新课中出现的生词作适当的提示是必要的。在讨论过程中,要对学生能灵活运用刚学到的知识及时表扬。在教 Once a Thief, Always a Thief 一文时,首先提了一个问题 What’s a thief?学生一听, 都笑起来了。不少同学答道 A thief is a person who steals something from others./He breaks intohouses and takes things away./He picks pockets.又问:What do youthink of a thief?有的说: I hate him./ He’s a bad man./He does harmto people.再问: What dp you think of a thief if he says he wants tocorrect his mistakes?有的学生说:I don’ t believe him./We must helphim. We can give him a chance./I think he can become a good man if hereally wants to correct his mistakes./ We shouldn’t look down uponhim.最后问:Do you believe″ Once a thief, always a thief″, why?略加讨论后就正式转入新课课文。