
某些语言现象之间的差别可谓维妙维肖,教师往往难以简单明了地解释清楚,纵使解释清楚了学生也难以掌握。如 search 与 searchfor 的用法区别可通过下列这些连环题的训练,让学生自己悟出其差异。具体做法是:教师先列出下列 A 组句式,然后分别提供 B、C、D 组中划线部分内容,让学生自己完整列出 B、C、D 三组。

A.(They found a map.)They searched the map.They searched forthe village. They searched the map for the village. They searched for thevillage in the map.B.(After finding the village.) They searched the village They searched for the house.They searched the village forhouse.They searched for the house in the village.C.(After finding thehouse.)They searched the house. They searched for the

box. Theysearched the house for the box. They searched for the house in thevillage.D.(After finding the box.)They searched the box.They searchedfor the stolen money.They searched the box for the stolen money. Theysearched for the stolen money in the box.另外, stop to do sth.与 stopdoing sth.等也可仿用此法:

(Seeing the teacher coming)They stopped fighting.They stoppedto

do their lessons.They stopped fighting to do their lessons.