Step Ⅳ Presentation

Using real objects to teach:

a big(small)/heavy(light)/new(old) bag; a full(an empty) bottle

Review box and bag, teach bottle by using real objects

Ask What’s this in English? It’s a box(a bag, a bottle). Teach big/small, heavy/light, full/empty

Ask: Is this box big/small?(Using resl objects.) Yes, it is. No,it isn’t.

Is this bag new/old? heavy/light?

Is this bottle full/empty?

(把 big/small, heavy/light, full/empty 写在黑板上,用逐个字母认读的方法,让学生说出这些单词的拼法。)

Ask and answer:Divide the class into halves. One half asksand the other half answers.

(让学生用手指着放在讲桌上的实物问 Is that box big/small?等。两人一组练习。练习之前老师必须做示范,让学生明白练习什么。最后找几组学生到前面表演,句子可换成 Is this boxbig?等。)

Talk about the real objects in pairs, eg. this box is big.That one is small.(Practise the use of“one” which replacesnouns.)