如何正确处理 JEFC 中语法与听说读写间的关系

河南省温县祥云镇一中 王玉信


然而,对新大纲的理解和对新编教材中语法知识的处理,有两种想法、做法值得注意:有的同志认为,JEFC 教材主要是通过听说读写来培养学生在实践中的运用能力,不需进行语法教学,否则会导致英语教学的低质量。因此,遇到有关语法现象、语法知识,就灌些概念,敷衍了事,而另有些同志则热衷于分析、讲解语法条文,不顾某些语法是否与教材有关,也不顾听说读写的需要,只要教材中涉及到某一点语法,就滔滔不绝,将它从语法专著中全部照搬到课堂上,讲得细致入微,唯恐漏掉一丝一毫。


使学生掌握语言的规律,并在听说读写中熟练应用。前些年的英语教学历史告诉我们:教师若领着学生在语法知识的海洋中遨游,死记硬背语法条文, 抛听说读写于一边,则只能将学生培养成“聋子英语”与“哑巴英语”,很难适应我国现代化建设的需要。我们现在已经总结吸取了这方面的经验教训。

新编 JEFC 教材是“功能+结构”的教材,是一套把结构和交际揉合到一起,使“知”与“做”统一的教材,使语法教学的地位服从和服务于培养学生语言实践能力这一总体教学目的,它能使学生通过学习基本语法,更好地进行听说读写等各项语言实践活动,提高综合运用语言的能力。JEFC 教材不再以语法为纲,但它的语法是一条暗线,贯穿始终,既不能细讲,又不能不讲,关键在于教师应该怎样讲,怎样融语法教学与听说读写教学于一体,使“知”与“做”相辅相成。笔者从事英语教学与研究,曾听过一位教师讲课, 他十分恰当地处理了语法与听说读写的关系,使“知”与“做”完美无缺, 且课堂上生动活泼,趣味盎然。兹介绍于后,供借监。

Book 3 Unit 6 Lesson 21 ⅠAims and Requierments

Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense<1> 1)Have+past participle

2)—have you found⋯yet?

—Yes,I have,<No,I haven’t>

Four skills:yet

ⅡI Step One Revision

  1. The student on duty tells thodate,the weather andother things in simple English.

  2. The teacher asks the follaling questoins.Using the 5tenses the students have learnde.Five students ansWer themone by one.

a.What are you doing now?

b.What are you going to do tomorrow?

c.Please tell me what you did yesterday afternoon. d.What do you do on Sunday?

e.I want to know what you were doing at 9 last night? Step Two Presentation

<Saying and acting>:Today we’ll learn a new tense.First of all.look and listen.carefully.I am walking to thedoor.I’m opening the door.Now,is the door open?Yes,the door is open.I opened.I opened the door just now.Thedoor is open.That is to say.I have opened the door . <Underline “ have opeved ” and written with the colourchalks.Like this on the Bb:

I opened the door just now.The door is open.

→I have opened the door.

<Then act it again.> Step Three Practice

<The teacher gives a sentence,let a student say and act. like this:>

T:Clean th blackboard,please.×××

SA:OK,I’ll clean blackboard.I am cleaning theblackboard.I cleaned it a fewminvtes ago.Now the

blackboard is clean.

T:Yes,You’re right.Now how to use a new tense? SA:I have cleaned the blackboard. T:OK,Next,×××,close the window,please, SB:⋯⋯

T:<Explaining“have opened,have cleaned,have closed”>

The sentences are called“The Preaent Perfect tense”.Now who will tell me its form?Try!

A student:have+past tense.

T:I’m pleased with what you have said.but“opened,cleaned, closed”here not past tense,but past participle.Every verb has

a past participle . Usually this form is thesame as the Past Tense, but not always. There are someirregular forms like“come


<Asking> Who can tell me its meaning?Yes this tenseis used to talk about someting that just happened.Anotherexample.<Drop your pen on the floor> I have dropped mypen.You can see the pen on the floor now.Clear?

Step Four Act with the S

T:Li Hong, come here,please.Now LiHong has comehere.Wang Fan.open your book.Now he has opened hisbook.

<Put your book in the desk.Then pretend to look for it andsay>Oh, Where’s my English book?I’ve lost it.I have lostmy English book.I can’t find it.×××Have you seen it?<When the student finds the book and gives it to you, youcan sag> Thanks a lot.Now,××

×has found my Englishbook.I have got it back. Step Five Ask and answer

<The teacher asks the following questions> 1.Have you done your homework yet?

When did you do it?

  1. Are you going to learn the Past Tense?

<No,we have already learned it.>

  1. Have you seen the film“LeiFeng”?etc.

<The SB page 21, Part 3 .Tell the students to read thedialogues silently and try to find example of the PresentPerfect Tense.Listen to the tape.Then ask two students toact out the first dialogue in Part

3 for the class.>

Step Six.Presentation of the dialogues 1 and 2.

<say> Now we’re going to learn another way of saying“Do you

have⋯?” listen carefully.

—Have you got a dictionary?<showing a dictionary.>

—No,you haven’t I’ve got one.<Explain that> “I’vegot”

=I have got.and that “one”means a dictionaty.“one” refers to the object you mentioned just now . I ’ll giveyou another example


<Then the students ask and answer the questions aboutother things>

<Ask>How many meanings does“have got”have?

<⋯> Yes,it has 2 meanings.Who cam tell me?

<One is“拥有”The other is“The Present PerfectTense”>

<Read and act Part 1 and 2> Step seven Workbook<omitted>

<When class is over,the teacher closes the windos.say.“I have closed the window.”Like this.“I have cleaned theblackboard”etc.>

At last , the teacher arouses the students to ask thequestions with the new tense,

  1. Have you closed the window? 2.Have you cleaned the blakcboard? 3.Have you finished your class?etc.

通过这节课的教学,学生不但能较快、较清楚地认识 “现在完成时”的含义、构成及用法(1),而且能与几个所学时态进行



实践与研究表明,英语教学要教给学生语法基础知识,关健在于教师。教师若不能深入学习、理解新大纲的本义,不能深入钻研教材、研究教法, 不能融语法与听说读写于一体,那么,就谈不上英语教学的成功,达不到新大纲的要求,完不成历史赋于教师的光荣任务。