
  1. 品质证明书:品质证明书的证明内容应显示商品的品质特征。例如大同煤的检验结果显示:

"Mositure (水分)9.74% Ash (灰分)7.18%

Volative Matter(挥发物)29.52% Sulphur (含硫量)0.63%

Calorific Value (发热量)7073kcal/kg (大卡/公斤) Size (规格)0—50mm l00%”

再如西河红枣的检验结果显示: “Grade Ⅱ (2 级)”

  1. 重量证:应根据实际需要,应分别注有毛重,净重或皮重以及总重量或单位包装的重量等。例如出口安哥拉兔毛 110 包,重量证可注明:

Gross Weight: 17600kgs Tare Weight:6600kgs Nett Weight:1100Okgs

Gross Weight per bale:160kgs

Nett weight per bale:100kgs

有的重量证加注包装内容。例如出口栗子 300 袋,证明内容可注: “Packing:packed in 300 double bags with ropes tighened

ex-ternally,each bag containing about 80kgs net Weight:Total net weight 24,000kgs”

  1. 兽医证:应注明商品本身和客观环境的卫生标准和卫生条件。例如出口猪宗,证明内容可注:

“Th is lot of bristles were derived from pigs wh ich originatdfrom safety and non—epizootic regions and were found healthythrough ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections and have beenfound no enidence of B.Anthracis”(此批猪宗取自安全非疫区,经宰前宰后检验证明系健康的猪只,经检验未发现炭疽菌)。

  1. 消毒证:应注明消毒的方式,时间等。例如对猪宗的消毒可注: “ The above

    mentioned bristles have been treated by

boiling for at least two hours”(上述猪宗业经煮沸至少两小时消毒处理)。

  1. 熏蒸证:熏蒸是一种消毒方式,应注明熏蒸剂和熏蒸时间等条件。例如对出口中国花生仁的熏蒸处理可作如下证明:

“Prior to shipment,the above mentioned goods have been fu- migated by the fumigent of bromomethane under the condition of closing for 48 hours”(装船前,上述货物已经用溴化甲烷熏蒸剂在密封条件下熏蒸 48 小时)。

  1. 植检证:应注明接受检验商品是否存在危害植物的病、虫、杂草等。例如对出口花生仁的检验,证明内容可注:

“ This is to Certify that the plants , parts of plants or plantproducts described above or the representative samples of them werethoronghly examined on Sept,20,1988 by this service and werefound to be substantially free from diseases,insect pests and weedseeds as stipulated in the agreement for plant quarantine and plant protection and trade contract”(兹证明上述植物,植物部份,植物产品或其代表样品,经本所于 1988 年 9 月 20 日周密检验,未发现植检植保协定,贸易合同中规定的病、虫、杂草籽)。

  1. 黄曲霉素检验证:黄曲霉素(aflatoxine)是一种强致癌毒素,多存在于玉米,花生等货物中。此检验证应证明商品中是否含有黄曲霉素。例如:

“Upon examination,no evidence of the presence of aflatoxine has been found prior to shipmeut”(经检验,装船前未发现黄曲霉素)。

四、出口商或制造商出具的检验证书(Inspectioncertificate)有时 信用证或合同要求制造厂商或出口商出具检验证。或者,未指定出证人。在这些情况下,出口商或制造商均可以出具。这样做即可减少手续,又可节省费用。出口商或制造商出具的检验证格式和内容繁简不一,通常具备的内容是检验证名称,编号、日期、地址、货名、货量、证号、证明内容或检验结果,签字等。有的还加收货人、发货人、唛头及启止港口、船名等。


注“Inspection Certificate”即可。证明内容通常有三种类型。1.证明具体的检验数据,例如出口活性炭,证明内容为:

" We hereby , certify that the goods have been inspected and found as follows:

8×30 mesh,plus 8 mesh and minus 30 mesh 5%max.,8—

25 mesh about 80%, 25 —30 mesh about 15% Iodine No. 950min.A.D.0.42 — 0.46 GM/ML Hardness 92 % min. Moisture 3% max.Ash 15%max。〃

  1. 只证明货物品质符合某项文件的规定。例如:

〃We hereby certify teat the quality of the goods is in conformi- ty with the Contract No.9000105〃

  1. 有些信用证规定由开证申请人合资企业的外方派员或委托代理人到产地验货并提供检验证。这种检验证通常注有下列证明内容。例如:
  1. “We here by certify that the goods have been random Checked by us and approved for shipment.This inspection does notrelieve the supplier of his responsibility of fully comply with the terms and conditions of this order&will not hold you free from anyclaims if arise later from buyers” 。

  2. “We hereby certify that the above merchandise has been inspected and found to complywith the order No.1346” 。

( 3 ) “ We hereby certify that the goods have been inspected” ,等等。