
①智利:发票内要注明运费,保险费和 FOB 值。

②墨西哥:发票要手签。一般发票要求领事签证,可由贸促会代签,并注“There is no Mexican consulate here”(此地无墨领事),在北京可由墨驻华使馆签证。


″ Developing country declation that the final process of manu-facture of the goods for which special rates are claimed has been per-formed in China and that not less than one half of the factory orworks cost of the goods respresented by the value of the labour ormaterials or of labor and materials of China and Australia”。



“We hereby certify that this invoice is authentic,that it is theonly one issued by us for the goods herein,that the value and price of the goods are correct without any deduction of payment in ad-vance and its origin is exclusively China” 。



⑧斯里兰卡:发票要手签,并且要注明 BTN NO.( BrusselsTariff Nomenelature 是当地海关按布鲁塞尔税则目录号对进出口商品进行分类征税的编号)。

⑨秘鲁:如信用证要求领事签证。可由贸促会代替,发票货名应以西班牙文表示。同时要列明 FOB 价值、运费、保险费等。


  1. 阿拉伯地区:一般都要求发票注明货物原产地并由贸促会签证,或者由贸促会出具产地证。

  2. 尼泊尔:发票手签: (15)印度:发票手签:


″1. Sellers name, full address&Country; 2.Consignee’ sname,full address&Country;3.Port of loading;4. Country of fi-nal destination ; 5.ship/Air freight/ etC. ; 6.Other transportationinformation if any;7.Marks and numbers;8.Numbers and type of packages ; 9.Specification of commdity ; 10.invoice date andnumber , 11.Customer order number , 12.Buyers ( if other than consignee);13.Presenting bank;14.Country of origin of goods, 15.Terms condition of delivery and payment;16.Currency ofsale; 17.Gross weight of packages in kilogram;18.Measurementof paekages in cubic metre;19.Net weight in kilogram;20.Quan-tity, net price ,total amount;21.packing cost,freight cost,anyother cost;

  1. Insurance; 23.Total amount of invoice。同时,还要加注下列内容:“It is hereby certified that this invoice shows the ac-tual price of the goods described,that no othor invoice has been or will be issued and that all particulars are true and correct”。

Signature and status of anthorized person。(17)土耳其:产地证不能联合在发票内。
