
The most remarkable weapon invented by primitive man is the boomerang.It is still used by the natives of Australia.Made of hard wood, it is shaped into a curve over hot coals.It is fromtwo to four feet long, flat on one side and rounded on the other, with a sharp edge.There are several kinds of boomerangs.They are used for war, for hunting, and for amusement.The wellknown"return"boomerang is really a toy.Instead of going straight forward, it slowly rises in the air.It whirls around in a curved line until it reaches a certain height, after which it returns to the thrower.This effect is produced by the action of the air on the bulging side of the boomerang.The other types are effective weapons because of their size and irregular motion.It is said that with one of these weapons, a native can cut a small animal almost in two at a distance of 400feet.

  1. The boomerang is "remarkable"probably because of A)its unusual and varied performance.

    1. its great size and weight.

    2. its ability to withstand stress.

    3. its manner of construction.

  2. The reader may assume that

    1. the boomerang is not useful beyond 400feet.

    2. the boomerang is the only weapon invented by primitive man.

      C)boomerangs used for hunting and war are similar.

D)many boomerangs are lost in hunting.

  1. The"toy"boomerang is probably A)made by native children
  1. smaller and lighter.

  2. made from a different wood.

  3. accurate and deadly.

  1. From the last sentence what can we infer?

    1. Boomerangs can kill only small animals. B)Only a native person

      can use a boomerang.

C)The natives of Australia use boomerangs expertly. D)Boomerangs are useful only within400feet.