第四章 如何判断词汇和短语的意义第一节 总 述



判断生词意义的最有效的方法是根据上下文内容(语境)进行合理的猜测。如果读者初步了解了上下文的主要意思,再根据自己的常识判断生词在这个语境中的作用,就能大致猜出生词的意思。请你猜测下面例子中 revive 一词的含义。(如果你已经知道这个词的意思,请你想一想从这个句子中的哪些线索可以判断出这个词的含义)。

Tom fainted when the biology teacher cut open the dead frog, and the school nurse was sent for to revive him immediate-ly.

生物老师把一只死青蛙切开时汤姆晕倒了,所以马上去请校医(school nurse)。那么校医来对汤姆采取什么行动呢?肯定是进行抢救,使他苏醒过来,这样就能猜出 revive 的意思是 "bring back to life" (使苏醒,使再生)。句子中的 "fainted" (晕倒)和 "school nurse" 是重要的线索。现在请你猜猜下面的句子中 anchor 一词的意思。

The ship had hardly stopped when the captain ordered his seamen to throw the anchor.

这个句子中,除最后一个词以外,其他的都是常用词,细心的读者可从seamen (海员)判断出句中的 captain 不是“上校”或“队长”的意思,而是“船长”,那么句子的大意是“船一停下来,船长命令他的海员抛⋯⋯” 根据常识,海员经常抛锚,使船停泊。那么 " anchor" 的意思就是“锚”。

那么猜测词义时,是不是要仔细分析生词前后所有的词呢?其实不必要。一篇(一段)文章往往有且只有一个主题(theme)。为了阐述主题思想, 作者往往要用到很多与主题有关的词汇,这些词汇中肯定有一些熟悉的,当然也有不认识的。遇到生词时,应该很自然地把生词与文章的主题联系起来, 另外还应该与其他主题词汇进行联想。阅读下面的短文,想一想短文的主题是什么,哪些是主题词汇,划线单词的意思是什么。

Figures released by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare tell one of the most dramatic stories in the history of medicine. In the past ten years the reported cases of Polio in the United States has been cut by 93 percent. One of the most dreaded diseases has been brought under control by a single vaccination.

The story of the victory over polio has two important as-pects. First is the long record of faithful and careful research on the part of scientists who refused to be defeated. Second is the public support for the attack on the disease as seen in the March of Dimes. The public saw polio as a social menace and was determined to do whatever could be done to get rid of it .

这段大字大的主题是关于医疗与健康。小的主题是关于一种疾病的根除,其中关于医疗与健康的主题词汇有 health, welfare, medicine, cases, polio, disease, vaccination 等。假如这些词汇中有不认识的,至少可以断定它们与主题有关,再根据上下文就可以猜测出它们的含义。比如文中的polio 出现过两次,即“⋯the cases of polio⋯”(可以理解为“关于 polio 的案例/病例)和 “⋯the victory over polio⋯" (战胜/克复 polio)。人这两处的语境大致能猜出 polio 是一种疾病。另外,从第一段的第二和第三句话的关系也能明确 polio 的含义。第二句话说“⋯the reported cases of polio in the United States has been cut by 93 percent" (polio 的发病率减少了 93%),而第三句话说“One of the most dreaded diseases has been brought under control⋯”(最可怕的是一种疾病得到了控制⋯), 因而可以肯定 polio 是一种危害严重的疾病(小儿麻痹症)至于读者是否能够断定 polio 就是“小儿麻痹症”,那就不一定,也无关紧要。如果文章再长一些,而且描述了 polio 的症状和后果,也许读者就能够断定 polio 就是“小儿麻痹症”。

另外,文章说“小儿麻痹症”是能过“a single vaccination" 得到控制的,那么什么能够控制疾病呢?无非是药物或某种治疗手段,而词后缀“-ation”表示动作,所以 vaccination 可能不是药物的名称,这样大致可以猜测出 vaccination 的含义(打疫苗)。

文章说“The public saw polio as a social menace and was determined to do whatever could be done to get rid of it" (公众把小儿麻痹症看成一种 “社会××”,并决心尽一切努力根除它)。有一般常识的人都会断定,此外的 social menace 很可能是“社会危害”。“menace”的本意是“威胁,恐吓”。

遇到生词时,还可以看看上下文中有没有生词的另一种说法,或者对生词的解释和说明。有时作者提心读者不能正确理解某个词的含义,有意识地在下文对生僻的词或专业术语作解释,或者提供一些暗示。请你猜猜下面句子中 fallible 的意思。

Teachers are fallible; they make mistakes just like everyone else.这句话有两个并列分句,很显然第二个分句 they make mistakes just like everyone else. 是对第一个分句的进一步说明,即“他们(教师)和其他人一样会犯错误”,因此第一个分句中的 fallible 的意思应该是 be able

to make mistake.


(experiences)和基本知识(general knowledge about the world)进行猜测。请你猜猜下面句子中 emancipated 的意思。

President Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves and led American people fighting the civil war⋯

大家都知道,美国总统林肯解放了黑人奴隶并领导美国人民赢得了内战的胜利,因此这句话中 emancipated 的意思肯定是“解放”,相当于 "freed" 。请你根据下面这句话所讲的内容猜一猜句中的 ecstatic 的意思。

Receiving an "A" on her history exam in the mooring, getting her driver's license in the afternoon, and coming home to a surprise birthday party made Sue ecstatic.

根据这句话,Sue 这天做了三件事:上午历史教试得了 A, 下午得了驾驶执照,回家后别人为她准备了 a surprise birthday party, 这三件事便得 Sue 怎么样呢?读者稍加思考,就能想到 Sue 一定很高兴,因此,ecstatic 的意思是“very happy" 。

除了根据上下文猜测词义外,根据词的构成,尤其是词的前缀和后缀也能准确地猜测词义。英语中很多词都是词根加前缀或后缀而变来的。这些词根,前缀和后缀的意思一般相对定,假如读者知道词根的意思,很容易猜测出加上词缀后的单词的意思。比如你认识 write 这个词, 不用学,你就知道 writer 和 rewrite 这两个词的意思。以下是一些常用的词根和词缀:

前缀 意义 举例

a-(an-) not, without, lacking amoral

  1. , ab- away, from absent, abnormal

anti- against antiabortion

auto- self automatic, autobiography

bi- two, twice bilingual

by- close, incidental byproduct

circum- around circumstance

co-(col-) with, together coauthor com-(con-)

comtra- against contradict

cor- with, together correspond counter- contrary, opposite counterproductive de- reduce, lower, down decrease

dis- away, not, fail to disappear, disorganied

ex- out, from exit

extra- very, outside the scope of

hyper- above, excessive, beyond

extracurricular hypertension


under,less than, lower






in, ino, on, inside





intra-(intro-) within,inside introspection

macro- large macrocosm

mal- bad, wrong malfunction

mega- large, powerful megaphone

micro- small microphome

mid- middle, halfway midweek

mini- very small or short minimum

mis- bad, wrong, not miscalculate

mono- single, one monopoly

multi- many multipurpose

mom- not nonproductive

poly- many polygamy

post- after,behind postgraduate

pseudo- false, unreal pseudonym

re- again reorganize re-(retro-) behind, back,backward retroactive semi- half, partially semiretired sub-(suc-)


sup-(sus-) under, below, lower, lesser

super-(supra-) above, over, higherof


greater than supersonic

trans- across transport

tri- three tricycle

un- not, opposite, reverse undo

under lower,inferior, below underlie

uni- one, single unify, unicycle

词根 意义 举例

-ali-(-alter-) another,other alternative

-anthrop- human anthropology

-arch- chief, leader monarchy

-aud- listen,hear audition

-auto- self autonomous

-ben-(-bon-) good enefactor

-bibl- book bibliography

-bio- life biology

-capit-(- capt-)

head,chief capital

-ced-(-cess-) go, move, surrender proceed

-cent- hundred century

-chron- time chronic

-corp- body corporation

-cosm- world,order microcosm

-cycl- cycle, wheel bicycle

-dem- people democratic

-dic- say, tell dictate

-duc- lead conduct

-fact- do manufacture

-fed-(-fid-) faith, trust confident

-fin- end finish

-fort- strong fortify

-geo- earth geography

-gram-(- graph-)

write autograph

-hetero- different heterodox

-homo- self,same homeogeneous

-hydro- water hydroelectic

-man- hand manual

-medi- middle medium

-metr- measure thermometer

-miss-(-mit-) send transmit

-mort- death mortal

-nov- new renovate

-ology- study of biology

-ortho correct, true,straight orthodox

-para- pesmbling,beside paramedicl

-pathy- feeling sympathy

-ped-(-pod-) foot bipedal

-port- carry import

-psych- mind psychology

-sequ-(-secut-) follow consecutive

-soph- clever,wise sophisticated

-spec-(-spic-) look spectator

-tele- long distance telephone

-tract- pull tractor

-vene-(-vert-) turn converse

-voc-(-vok-) call vocal

后缀 意义 举例

-abilit ability to educability

-able(-ble,-ible) capable of being learnable, edible

-al possessing the quality of comical

-ance(-ence) state, condition of ,quality of

tolerance, indifference

-ate to make translate

-ation(-tion) condition of act of translation,devotion

-dom state or act of translation, devotion

-dom state of comdition wisdom

-ee recipient of an action employee

-en to make widen

-er person of thing who or that


-ess female lioness

-ful characterized by , baving the

quality of eventful

-fy to make satisfy