第三章 写作步骤及文章的组织


  1. 确定主题; 4.运用写作技巧扩展文章;

  2. 收集材料; 5.修改文章。

  3. 列出提纲;

但参加英语写作考试时,写作步骤可简单地分为: 1.审题; 3.组织文章;

2.打草稿 4.修改文章;;

一、审题 一般来说,英语写作考试规定了写作时间,而且,相当一部分的写作考题为考生确定了短文的主题、甚至规定了写作提纲。这就要求考生严格按照题意谋篇布局,否则,一篇短文即使写的再好,如果不符合题意、离题万里,是不会给分的。故考试作文的第一步是审题。审题时, 要注意抓住题目及提纲中的关键词及各提纲要点之间的逻辑关系。

二、打草稿 审题后的关键一步就是打草稿或填充提纲。因为作文考试时间有限,草稿或提纲要尽量做到简单、扼要、不浪费笔墨。如:下述提纳就过于详细。其实,提纲里写下关键、句、结构就可以,即:该提纲只需写出划线部分。

题目:The School Library

中心思想:The library plays a very important part in students'life

(或 a student's life).


  1. A student has to borrow books form the library.

    1. He needs reference books for his selective courses.

    2. He may want to read novels, stories and plays. (2)He

      needs newspapers and magazines in the library.

  1. Many new magazines are on display in the first reading-room.

  2. There are newspapers from all provinces. c)Back

    numbers may be borrowed at the counter.

(3)He needs the library all the more in hisjunior and senior years. a)The library provides him with books for his research.

b)He wouldn't be able to write his graduation paper without using the library.


  1. 看题后,有的考生由于紧张怯场,一时头脑空白,不知写什么,也有的考生可能由于对题目没多大兴趣,在监考和学期作文考试评卷过程中, 我们发现有的考试草稿纸上的作文与抄写Answer Sheet 上的作文几乎一模一样,有时,抄在 Answer Sheet 上的作文都不及草稿清楚、完整,可能由于最后时间不够、来不及抄写。所以,草稿力求简洁。



  1. 部分考生可能在看题后,浮想联翩,感到要写的东西太多了,不知从何下手。如果出现这种情况,考生也可将自己的想法,首先分成两大类:正面的和反面的;支持某一观点的和反对某一观点的等等。然后写下各观点的关键词。如果能用英文写出关键词更好,不能用英文表达的关键词可暂且写上中文。最后,选择一些扣题、有说服力、又能用英语流利表达的观点。比如,一篇作文题目:Do You Like Reading? 那么,能拓宽思路的简单


Like Dislike

  1. enlarge knowledge; 1. bad content, bad effect;

  2. offer enjoyment; 2. waste of time;

  3. kill time; 3. damage to eyes;

  4. pass exams; 4. too expensive;


题目:The Most Distinctive Characteristics of Modern Teenagers

**提纲:**1. Concern themselves with affairs of state;2. Like to show off;

3. Want to be independent of others;4. Concerned more about the future;

**题目:**How to Buy a Good Used Car

**提纲:**1. Carefully inspect the car;2. Talk to the former owner of the car;

3. Engage a good mechanic to examine its motor;