


四、图表题 - 图1下面是一些常用的表达方法: As we can see form According to

  1. As shown in

As is shown in

As can be seen in

the chart (table),

We can see

  1. It can be seen

It has been shown

form the chart (table) that

四、图表题 - 图2 A is twice as high as B.

  1. The c h a r t ( t a b l e ) s h o w s t h a t A is three times the

    size of B.

A is half the percentage of B.

四、图表题 - 图3 slight increase.

sharp rise.

slow decline.

steady fall.

4.Thetable shows that there was a

rapid drop

large fluctuation

sudden reduction.

  1. 表示上升的动词:rise, increase, climb, go up;名词:rise , increase;

表示下降的动词:fall, decline, decrease, drop, go down; 名词:fall, decline decrease,drop;

表示平稳的词:remain steady, remain unchanged, not change; 表示上升趋势:There is (was) an upward trend in (toward); 表示下降趋势:There is (was) a downward trend in (toward); 表示到达顶峰:reaches reached) its peak; reaches its highest


表示降到最低点:reaches (reached) its lowest point。6.表示结论:

Therefore, see In conclusion, Thus, concluded To conclude

From the table i t c a n b e inferred On the whole we Finally, shown In all

can say that