1965 年副题

一、仔细阅读下面短文,然后做本文后面的 A 题英译汉和 B 题问答。

This story happened in Korea(朝鲜)in 1951 during the war against the American invaders.

Sook Cha ( 淑子),a clever girl of 14,was seized by the enemy and thrown into a prison camp ( 俘虏营). There she and another girl were ordered to cut firewood (劈柴)in a yard. One day they worked near the wall. Their eyes met when they noticed that the wall had a hole in it. That night the other girl told Sook Cha that she was a partisan (游击队员).

"If I can get away,"she said ,"I'll bring the partisans to save all our people here."

Sook Cha answered simply,"I will help you."

The next morning they went to work at the same place. Soon they finished cutting a backet of firewood. The American soldier on duty ordered Sook Cha to carry it to the other end of the yard. After putting down the basket, Sook Cha started to dance. She danced so beautifully that the soldier watched her with great interest. She turned round and round and the soldier's eyes followed her.

"Stop that fooling,"cried an American officer who came along at that moment. "And where is that partisan girl?"

"Eh...,eh...,"replied the soldier,"she was...eh... working there...only a minute ago."

The officer hurried over to the heap of firewood and found a big hole in the wall.Turning round he looked angrily at the dancing girl. For the first time in many days Sook Cha was smiling.

The officer took out his pistol ( 手枪)and shot at Sook Cha. The brave Korean girl died with the smile still on her face, for she knew that her people in the camp would soon be saved.

  1. 英译汉:(本题 20 分)

The officer hurried over to the heap of firewood and found a big hole in the wall.Turning round he looked angrily at the dancing girl. For the first time in many days Sook Cha was smiling.

The officer took out his pistol and shot at Sook Cha. The brave Korean girl died with the smile still on her face, for she knew that her people in the camp would soon be saved.

  1. 根据短文内容,用英语回答下列问题:(本题 20 分) 1.Who was Sook Cha?
  1. What would the partisan girl do if she could get away from the prison camp?

  2. How did Sook Cha help the partisan girl to get away? 4.Did Sook Cha

    die a hero's death? Why or why not?

二、汉译英:(本题 30 分)

  1. 那个同志叫什么名字?她叫刘英。

  2. 在党和毛主席的领导下,中国人民正从胜利走向胜利。

  3. 几年来许多外国朋友参观了红星人民公社。

  4. 我们到工厂去劳动的时候,将从工人那里学到许多东西。

  5. 中国人民坚信美国侵略者终将被英勇的越南(Vietnamese)人民打败。

三、写短文或答问:(本题 30 分) 考生在 A、B 两题中任选一题。

  1. 写短文:写一篇 70 字左右的英文短文,要求内容充实,语言正确。

〔注意:选做写短文题,若写得特别好,字数超过 90,可在本题总分 30 分之外,得附加分 5 分或 10 分。〕

How We Celebrated Last May Day

  1. 答问:〔本题没有附加分〕用 10


    1. 每小题各写 5 句左右

    2. 两小题共写 10 句左右

    3. 也可只答一小题,写 10 句左右1.Do you like English? Why or why

      not? 2.What will you do this summer?