At the Bookstore

Assistant: 1 ?

Li Pei: Have you got anything that tells people how to take care of their eyes?

Assistant: Yes. 2 ?

Li Pei: Good. How much is it ? Assistant: 3 .

Li Pei: That's cheap enough. Assistant: 4 ?

Li Pei: I'll take two copies. How much is that? Assistant: 5 .

Li Pei: Here's five yuan.

Assistant: Thank you. Here's your change—— four yuan.

(附加题)选择答案(本题分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ两部分,共 10 分。每小题 1 分。本题成绩供参考用,不计入总分。)


例:(C)I'm sure I locked the door, but, all the same, I think I'll go and check.

(A)同时 (B)没有差别

(C)还是 (D)完全一样( )1.He is saving up for a rainy day.

(A)下雨天 (B)雨季

(C)困难的日子 (D)渺茫的将来

( )2.He had a large family to support and his wages were low; however, he managed to make both ends meet.

(A)量入为出 (B)顾此失彼

(C)两全其美 (D)皆大欢喜

( )3.It finally came home to him that he had married a depraved


(A)回到他家中 (B)落在他头上

(C)他明白过来 (D)他罪有应得

( )4.He was a poor teacher who earned(赚)very little money. Luckily his wife was a good housekeeper(管家)who knew

how to make a little money go a long way. (A)少花路费而能去很远的地方



( )5.I don't know why children always take to him. Perhaps it's because he is such an excellent story-teller.

(A)长得象他 (B)喜欢他

(C)听他话 (D)跟他学

( )6.When we studied the new theory more carefully we discovered that it just didn't hold water.

(A)不好理解 (B)站不住脚

(C)不联系实际 (D)不能装水



  1. brave (B)clever

(C)honest (D)lazy

( )7.(A)friendly (B)quickly

(C)proudly (D)eagerly

( )8.(A)France (B)Sweden (C)India (D)Switzerland

( )9.(A)an honest man (B)an angry elephant (C)a clever dog (D)a stupid donkey

( )10.(A)I'm so sorry. (B)Please help yourself. (C)I beg your pardon. (D)Please excuse me.