1965 年试题

一、仔细阅读下面短文,然后做本文后面的 A 题英译汉和 B 题问答。

In early 1941,on our way back to Vietnam ( 越 南 )from China,Comrade Ho Chi Minh ( 胡志明) and several of us arrived at the border area (边境).As there were many French soldiers around, we could not go on and had to hide in a cave (洞穴)in the mountains. The people living in the villages nearby had suffered greatly from French imperialism and had always been on the side of the revolution.

The cave where we stayed was a very good hiding-place, for it was well covered with tall grass.Every day Comrade Ho Chi Minh got up very early and woke up all the others. After some exercises,he began to work—studying ,discussing matters with us, or visiting the people in the villages. Sometimes he organized study-groups for the grown-ups or taught the children to read and write.

At night it was very cold in the cave.We often had to make a fire and sit around it to warm ourselves until daybreak(黎明).During these hours Comrade Ho Chi Minh would tell us about the history of the world's peoples who were fighting for national liberation. He firmly believed that the victory of the Vietnamese people would not be far.

Very often the French soldiers would come after us; then we would have to go from one place to another,sometimes staying a whole night in a tree, or having very little to eat for many days. But all this was nothing to Comrade Ho Chi Minh. He used to say to us:"The struggle between French imperialism and us is one of life and death. We must overcome(克服) all difficulties and carry on the fight to the end."

  1. 英译汉:(本题 20 分)

Very often the French soldiers would come after us; then we would have to go from one place to another, sometimes staying a whole night in a tree, or having very little to eat for many days. But all this was nothing to Comrade Ho Chi Minh. He used to say to us:"The struggle between French imperialism and us is one of life and death. We must overcome all difficulties and carry on the fight to the end."

  1. 根据短文内容,用英语回答下列问题:(本题 20 分)
  1. Where were Comrade Ho Chi Minh and his comrades going in early 1941?

  2. Why did they have to hide in a cave?

  3. What revolutionary work did Comrade Ho Chi Minh do when he lived in the mountains?

  4. Was life in the mountains hard for them?Why or why not?

二、汉译英:(本题 30 分)

  1. 那个人是谁?她是我们的历史老师。

  2. 在我国,工农兵都在学习毛主席的著作。

  3. 两年来,那家书店售出了几千册“雷锋的故事”。

  4. 他们离开学校以后,多数人将去农村劳动。

  5. 这就是那架在四月里被打下来的美帝的飞机。

三、写短文或答问。(本题 30 分) 考生在 A、B 两题中,任选一题。

  1. 写短文:写一篇 70 字左右的英文短文,要求内容充实,语言正确。

〔注意:选做本题,若写得特别好,字数超过 90,可在本题总分 30

分之外得附加分 5 分或 10 分。〕

How My Home Town (or Home Village) Has changed

  1. 答 问:〔本题没有附加分〕用 10 句左右英语回答下面的两个问题,


    1. 每小题各写 5 句左右

    2. 两小题共写 10 句左右

    3. 也可只答一小题,写 10 句左右1.what sport do you like best?

  1. Do you like to work in the countryside?Why or why not?