1964 年答案



1.He called in the doctor because he was ill ( 或 had fallen ill). 2.He told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull's milk because he wanted to make Gulbo suffer ( 或 because he thought that would

be a way of making Gulbo suffer).

  1. She went to the bank of the river near the palace, and chose a place below the king's bedroom window to do her washing.(或She went to a place below the king's bed-room window to do her washing.)

  2. Gulbo's daughter made so much noise that the king could not sleep. That made him very angry.

  3. No,he didn't, because no man could have a baby.

  4. He meant that he did not want the bull's milk any more. B.英译汉

  1. 国王非常吃惊,因为他从来没听说过有奶的公牛(或“公牛有奶”)。他问道:“那怎么可能呢?”

  2. 国王把医生说的话告诉戈尔波,命令他去找公牛奶。戈尔波马上明白了医生打的什么主意。

  3. 她听说国王想要的是什么之后,便说道:“别发愁,爸爸,我来替你想办法”(或”我来帮你”)。

  4. “什么?”国王叫道。“难道你想要愚弄我?谁听说过男人生孩子?”