A Visit to a people's Commune

At the call of the Party, the students of a school went to the Red Flag People's Commune to help to bring in the harvest. It was a bright autumn day. The chairman of the commune met them with a warm smile. "You have come at the right time ,"he said ."The harvest this year is very good. Of course we have tractors and combines. But we also need more men."

On arriving at the farm,they formed themselves into groups and started to work at once. The groups challenged each other to a friendly competition. By twelve o'clock they had overfulfilled their task.

The chairman was satisfied with their work. He told them about the commune's plan for the future. There would be more machines. Much more grain would be produced. People would live better. The place would look more beautiful. All the students found his words exciting. "May I come to work with you when I finish school?" a boy asked."I

shall learn to be a good tractor-driver."

"I shall learn to take good care of the pigs*,"said a girl. The chairman asked the youngest student what she would do. "I should like to go on to the university.After I graduate from

it,I shall be a teacher in the people's commune,"she answered."I shall do my best to teach the children. After school, I shall work in the fields with you."

The chairman said,"Good. We shall be glad to have you all."

* pig 猪

注意:在下列 7 题中选择 6 题,根据上面文章的内容用英语回答,但

第 7 题必答。


  1. Why did the students go to the people's commune?

  2. What did the chairman of the commune say when he met them? 3.How did

    they organize themselves for the work?

4.What did the chairman think about their work? 5.What was the commune's plan for the future?

6.What did the youngest student want to do? 7.What do you want to do in the future?Why?



Two new achievements have been made this year.One is the carrying out of the technical* revolution. The whole people are taking part in it. Many,many wonderful inventions and new discoveries* * have been made. The other is the forming of the city people's com-

munes.Women who used to work only in their own houses are now happily working in the new factories. They are building Socialism.

With these achievements come new tasks. Our workers and peasants want to study Marxism-Leninism and Comrade Mao Tse-tung's works. They also want to study science. We must and can satisfy their needs. Led by the Party,we will certainly fulfil all our tasks and march from victory to victory.

  • technical 技术(的)

  • * discoveries 是 discover 的名词


在下列 A、B 二组内各选 3 句译成英语,共译 6 句,不得 8 句全译。A.

  1. 我们正在同时发展工业和农业。

  2. 天安门广场上的两座新的大建筑是去年在十个月内建成的。

  3. 反对美帝国主义的游行正在世界各地进行着。

  4. 在我们伟大的社会主义国家,教师和学生都爱参加体力劳动。B.

  1. 世界上所有爱好和平的人民都站在我们这一边。

  2. 我昨天晚上去看李同志的时候,他已经到工人夜校去了。

  3. 星期一在会上讲话的那个青年是个团员。

  4. 党从来就教导我们劳动人民是历史的主人。