The Dogs Will Eat It

A landlord (地主) wanted to plant garlic (蒜) in his fields. He saw a group of peasant boys and asked them to come and do the work for him.

At supper time, he told the children to go into his house to eat, because he did not want the other farmers to see the bad food which he gave the boys. He said to the boys, "If you eat outside, the dogs may come and eat your food."

The next morning after work the boys went into the landlord's house again for breakfast. When they walked past the landlord's own room they looked in through the window. There they saw a big table with all kinds of good food on it. The landlord and his family were sitting around the table and eating happily. The children were very angry. They decided to plant his garlic upside down (头朝下).

After a few days, the garlic in other people's fields had come out, but in the landlord's fields nothing could be seen. He was very much worried and asked the boys why this was so.

"The garlic is afraid that the dogs will eat it"was the answer. 注意:根据上面文章的内容用英语回答。在下列 6 题中选答 5 题,不



  1. What did the landlord ask the boys to do for him?

  2. Why did the landlord tell them to eat inside his house? 3.What did

    the children see when they went into the landlord's

house for breakfast the next morning?

4.How did they plant the garlic after they saw that? 5.Did the landlord's garlic come out?

6.What did the boys say to the landlord when he asked them about it?


在下列 A 组内选 5 题,B 组内选 3 题,译成英语,共译 8 题,不得 10 题全译。

A 组

  1. 他常到工厂去劳动吗?

  2. 你们城里有多少托儿所?

  3. 我哥哥正在学开拖拉机。

  4. 那所大学是在 1954 年秋季成立的。

  5. 我们班的每一个人都学习毛主席的著作。

  6. 今年我们将比去年生产更多的粮食和棉花。B 组

  1. 昨天工人们告诉我们他们已经超额完成任务了。

  2. 这就是上个月教我们种菜的那位同志。

  3. 她不同你们一起去看电影了,因为她已经看过这部片子。

  4. 我昨天晚上复习的那课英语是“丁佑君的故事”。