六、选词填空 根据句子的意思和结构,从所给的动词中,选出一个动词或用它的变化形式填入空格内。(本题共 10 分,每个空格 1 分。)

(break,bring,cut,do,go,know,learn,lose,see,stay,take,turn,wa tch)

例:Everybody is gone.

  1. It's easier said than .

  2. There was so much to do.He had to up all night. 3.She often out of

    her way to do things for her


  1. Do you enjoy others playing chess?

  2. It out that only the youngest boy in our class had given the right


  3. In spite of his English,he finally made himself understood.

  4. Thomas Edison gave his whole life to out the secret of nature.

  5. It is to all that the World Trade Centre in New York is the highest

    building in the city.

  6. Please that the work is completed in time.

  7. She was reading her book,completely to the outside world.