What I Have Seen in China

I have spent several weeks in China. This is a very short time,but I have learned a lot about your country.

During these few weeks, I have seen with my own eyes the great successes( 成 就 )China has won. The Chinese people,under the leadership(领导) of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung,have made great progress on all fronts of socialist construction. Production of steel, coal ( 煤), grain and cotton ( 棉) has risen greatly. Here one sees what a happy life the people are living.

I have visited villages and towns, both in the north and in the south. I saw workers,peasants and intellectuals working with enthusiasm. I saw all of them doing their best to build their motherland into a rich and strong socialist country.

I am leaving soon. I don't know when I shall again have the chance of visiting your country. But I shall always remember what I have seen here. I shall always remember your love for peace and your great friendship for my people.

Good-bye, my dear friends. Write and tell me about victories in the future. I wish you greater successes in your march towards socialism and communism.


在下列 A 组内选 4 题,B 组内选 4 题,译成英语,共译 8 题。不得 10 题全译。

A 组

  1. 你们常开会吗?

  2. 你们村里有合作社吗?

  3. 人民大会堂是三年前修建的。

  4. 不要把今天的工作留到明天做。

  5. 保卫祖国是我们的义务。B 组

  1. 我在中学的时候,总是积极地参加生产劳动。

  2. 上星期五他告诉我,他已经读完了这本小说。

  3. 我们必须尽一切努力,帮助正在为解放而斗争的各国人民。

  4. 你昨天晚上在图书馆遇到的那个女孩子,是她的妹妹。

  5. 她像她弟弟一样地努力学习,但是没有她姐姐那样努力。