1953 年试题

一、阅读测验和英译中 60%

  1. 阅读测验


  1. China has 7 million Young Pioneers.Established in October, 1949,this organization is for children from 9 — 15 years of age.Its purpose is to develop the children to become good citizens, to teach them to love the people and labour, to be patriotic, to take an active interest in science and protect public property. It provides its members with many opportunities to learn of the life of the country. They visit factories, state farms and great construction sites. They meet outstanding people in many fields— model workers, combat heroes, actors, writers, artists and musicians.

(a)What are the limits in age for the Young Pioneers of China? (b)What are the things the Chinese Young Pioneers are taught to

love ?

  1. When was the organization of the Young Pioneers of China established?

  2. Name two kinds of people the Chinese Young Pioneers visit.

  1. Nikita's father had dreamed of making an engineer of him,but did not insist,and allowed him to take up biology. Before leaving, Nikita had persuaded his father to invite one of his nieces, a high-spirited but practical girl, to come and keep house for him. But he was half afraid that the obstinate old man might by this time have sent the girl away, and might be alone in the cold, empty hut, longing to see his son.

He would have to graduate as quickly as possible and go back to his father.But ever since Nikita had decided to marry Alla, if she would have him, a feeling of uncertainty had entered his mind.Where would they live?Would Alla look after his father properly?And how would it all turn out?

(a)What subject did Nikita's father want him to study? (b)With whom did Nikita's father live when Nikita was away? (c)What kind of character had Nikita's father?

(d)What was Nikita uncertain about after he had decided to marry Alla?

  1. 英译中


The Communist Party of China is the political party of the Chinese working class; it is created on the basis of the revolutionary theories of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

The Communist Party of China, guiding the Chinese people in a long and stubborn struggle, led the revolution to victory. Today,

the Communist Party is guiding the Chinese people in the construction of their country. The Communist Party of China and its leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung enjoy the highest prestige among the Chinese people.

In all its activities, the Communist Party of China is guided by the teachings of Chairman Mao Tse-tung which combine Marxist- Leninist theory with the practice of the Chinese revolution. It is Chairman Mao Tse-tung who has shown the correct way of building up our Party in conformity with the concrete conditions of Chinese society.