1957 年答案


  1. 阅读测验
  1. 1.It could say,"There is no doubt about it." 2.Twenty pounds.

    1. Because the parrot was not worth twenty pounds. (Because he saw he had made a mistake.Because the parrot could only say,"There is no doubt about it."etc.)

    2. Because the man really was a fool.

  2. 1.By bringing more land under cultivation and by getting more

out of the land already cultivated.

2.In the North-east and North-west. 3.Machines and money.

4.To increase production by raising the output per acre of existing farm land.

  1. 英译汉

一个主要问题是重工业和轻工业发展中间的正确比例。首先,我们必须把重工业建立起来,这是一条基本原则。中国长久以来是经济落后的, 只有当她自己能够提供必要的设备,物资和技术力量来发展六亿人口的国民经济时,这种落后情况才可消除。但是同时(或:另一方面,)我们也不应该忽视轻工业的发展,因为轻工业有助于满足人民日益增长的需要。没有足够的消费品,想要使物价保持平稳是很困难的。如果农民们收入增加了,但是买不到所需要的东西,那么他们就会不愿意增加生产或者出卖剩余的农产品。因此,轻工业的发展也必须在我们的五年计划当中占据重要地位。