三、选择填空:在 A,B,C,D 四个答案中,选出一个正确的,填在左边的括号内。

例:(B)He a student.

A.are B.is C.am D.be ( )1.John Smith is honest man.

A.one B.an C.the D.a

( )2.The sewing machine is made China.

A.of B.on C.in D.from ( )3.We should learn each other.

A.from B.with C.to D.for

( )4.He often his clothes on Sundays.

A.washing B.washes

C.has washed D.wash

( )5.Scientists will continue to living things on the moon.

A.look for B.look after

C.look upon D.look at

( )6.I at the station last night.

A.got B.arrives C.arrived D.reach

( )7.It's dark in this room, the light,please.

A.turn on B.put off

C.turn off D.put up

( )8.The bike belongs to my sister.It's .

A.his B.him C.her D.hers

( )9.His father will be back from London a few days.

A.since B.on C.in D.to

( )10.The Summer Palace is one of the parks in Beijing.

A.more beautiful B.most beautiful C.best beautiful D.much beautiful

( )11.I still remember the days we studied together.

A.that B.which C.where D.when

( )12.He is a strange man. He has friends.

A.a few B.little C.a little D.few

( )13.If you wave your book in front of your face,you can feel the air against your face.

A.moved B.moving C.moves D.to move ( )14.He didn't make any mistake.I didn't make any

mistake, .

A.either B.also

C.too D.neither

( )15.The boy his father.

A.look like B.is loved

C.is liked D.is like

( )16. the letter,he went out to post it.

A.Writing B.Being written

C.Having written D.Written

( )17.I English for five years now.

A.was studying B.have been studying C.studied D.am studying

( )18.NO sooner had he finished his talk he was surrounded by the workers.

A.as B.then C.than D.when

( )19.You have your hair cut every other week.

A.had B.to have C.got D.been

( )20.Three officers narrowly escaped in the hot battle.

A.have killed B.to kill

C.to be killed D.being killed