Having returned from her round trip(往返旅程),the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station."The railway owes me

£12,"she said to Harry Jenks,the young man working at the office. "You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel.It cost me


Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. "Come into the office, Madam," he said politely."I'll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd."

The woman and her little girl followed him inside.She was quite right,as Harry soon discovered.There was no sailing on May 22nd.How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldn't have sold her a ticket for that day.Wondering what to do,he smiled at the child."You look sunburnt,"he said to her. "Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?"

"Yes,"she answered,shyly. "The beach was lovely.And I can swim too!"

"That's fine,"said Harry. "My little girl can't swim a bit yet.Of course,she's only three⋯"

"I'm four,"the child said proudly. "I'll be four and a half." Harry turned to the mother. "I remember your ticket,Madam,"he said."But you didn't get one for your daughter,did you?"

"Er,well—— "the woman looked at the child. "I mean...she hasn't started school yet. She's only four."

"A four-year-old child must have a ticket,Madam.A child's return ticket to Jersey costs⋯let me see⋯£13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel,you will owe£1.50. The law is the law,but since the fault was mine⋯"

The woman stood up,took the child's hand and left the office. ( )6.The woman was angry because .

(A)she couldn't use the ticket for her round trip (B)she had to return home a day earlier than she had


  1. she spent more money than she had expected

  2. Harry had sold her a ticket to Jersey where there was no sailing

( )7.Harry was worried because . (A)the woman was angry with him

(B)he had not done his work properly (C)the Jersey timetable was wrong

(D)the little girl didn't have a return ticket

( )8.Harry started talking to the little girl . (A)because he was in difficulty and did not know what to


  1. because he had a little girl about the same age as this girl

  2. because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so nice

  3. when he suddenly readlized that he could find a way out from the litte girl

( )9.When Harry said,"The law is the law,but since the fault was mine⋯,"he meant that . (A)they must follow it without other choice,even though

the fault was his

  1. he had to be strict with the woman because of the law, although he didn't want to

  2. the woman had to pay him£1.50 and the railway would pay for the hotel

  3. she should pay£1.50, but as he had made a mistake,she could go without paying

( )10.The woman left the office without saying anything because .

  1. she wanted to go home and get money for the child's ticket

  2. she was so angry that she didn't want to have anything more to do with the young man

  3. she was moved by Harry's kindness

  4. she knew she would have to pay the railway if she insisted

Every August on the island of Heimaey,off the southern coast of Iceland(冰岛),young people often take a walk along the streets throughout the night. What's more,their parents allow them to stay out. Why? The children of Heimaey are going to save young puffins—— small black-and-white seabirds.

The cliffs(悬崖)above the town are home to a large group of puffins. The birds dig holes all around the cliffs. These holes are their homes. Their young stay in the holes for about seven weeks. Then they begin to leave. Some move slowly on their undeveloped wings and feet down to the northern Atlantic Ocean that surrounds Heimaey. There,they swim, which they can do naturally,and learn to dive for fish. Others, however, may lose their way at night and find themselves in the town instead. On the ground, the young seabirds are in trouble. Because their wings are not fully developed,they cannot take off quickly to sea and safety.The birds then become a good meal for cats and other animals.

For many years,islanders have helped the young puffins. Early at night in late August,children carrying thick paper boxes and lights hurry to the seashore to catch puffins.They spend most of the night running after the birds. They put the birds they've caught in

boxes and take good care of them.

The next morning the children take the puffins to the ocean and set them free. The birds will live at sea until they are at least two years old.Then they will return to the cliffs to build homes of their own for their families.

Will the children of Heimaey always come to save puffins? "Yes,"answer the boys. "We look forward to it. The best time for us is setting the birds free."

( )11.Every August children of Heimaey are allowed to stay out all night .

  1. to catch puffins and take them home (B)to free puffins from danger
  1. to drive puffins away

  2. to run after puffins for pleasure

( )12.The young seabirds that lose their way and find themselves in the town are in danger . (A)of being killed by hunters

(B)of being driven away from the town (C)of being killed by animals

(D)of being starved to death

( )13.The children put the seabirds in boxes . (A)and look after them very carefully for several

days,then,set them free

  1. and set them free when they grow bigger and can take off to sea and


  2. and carry them to the ocean right away to set them free (D)and they

    don't set the birds free until the next morning

( )14.The children look forward to August because . (A)they enjoy playing the game of running after seabirds (B)it's time for them to go out at night to save puffins (C)it's time for the children to play with the birds (D)the children can stay out at night to watch puffins

coming to the town

( )15.According to the passage,which of the following is not true?

  1. Once in a year the children are allowed to stay out to have a good time with birds,cats,and animals.

  2. The earliest home for the young puffins is in the cliffs,not in the sands of beaches.

  3. Some young puffins make their way down to the ocean when they are about seven weeks old.

  4. The young birds that get to the sea will stay there for at least two years.

六、动词填空 根据短文的意思,用括号内动词的正确时态或形式填入空

格。有的地方要加上助动词或情态动词。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共 10 分,每个空格 1 分。)

The Clock 1 (just strike)eleven when I heard a noise 2 (come)from the lift(电梯). I opened the door of my room and listened; someone

3 (beat)against the door of the lift and calling out at the same time.

"What's wrong?"I shouted. "The door" 4 (stick),it seems,and I 5 (not get)out,"the answer came back. The voice,which sounded like that of a girl,came from several floors below.

After telling the girl that I 6 (help),I went back into the room to get some tools and my wife went off to call the police. Then I hurried down the stairs until I reached the place where the lift

7 (stick).

I tried my hand at forcing open the lift door, 8 (talk) all the while to the girl 9 (trap)inside,but my tools were no use for this purpose. Very soon,however,my wife returned and said that the police had promised 10 (send)an engineer.

Shortly afterwards the engineer turned up with two policemen.It took the engineer only a short while to get the door open. We waited anxiously. Was the girl all right?

"I'm hungry,"she said in good spirits as she stepped out.

七、补全对话(本题共 10 分)


Pupil: me, 1 ?

Policeman:Yes,about ten minutes ago,a man came and asked about it. Why?

Pupil:Well,I found a wallet around the corner. It might be his .

2 really his?

Policeman:I'm not sure. He didn't leave his name and address behind.

Pupil:But he might come back again. 3 ?

Policeman:Of course not. You've done a good deed. What's your name?

Pupil: 4a .

4b .

Policeman: You're really a good boy. You've done the right thing. Pupil: Thank you. 5a .

5b . Good-bye.

Policeman: Good-bye.