单项填空(共 40 小题,计分 40 分)

  1. 从 A、B、C、D 中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例:have




D.made 答案是 C。






  1. courage

A.cousin B.count C.youth D.cough 3.refer

A.research B.fisherman C.disappear D.recordder 4.pleasure

A.expression B.musician C.ocean D.conclusion 5.snatch

A.stomach B.technical C.charge D.character

  1. 从 A、B、C、D

    中找出适当的字母或字母组合使以下所给单词完整与正确。例:alr dy A.ea B.ee C.ie D.eu 答案是 A。

6.p ticul A.ar;er




7.pr n nce A.o;ou




8.c nt nent



C.o;I D.u;a

9.n m l A.ur;a




10.th r gh A.o;ou




  1. 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案. 例:He comes

    late sometimes, ?

A.is he B.isn't he C.comes he D.doesn't he

答案是 D. 11.Paul doesn't have to be made .He always works hard.

A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning

  1. ─Your phone number again?I quite catch it.

─It's 9568442.

  1. didn't B.couldn't C.don't D.can't
  1. She thought I was talking about her daughter, ,in fact,I was talking

    about my daughter.

    1. whom B.where C.which D.while
  2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it .

    1. breaks B.has broken

C.were broken D.had been broken

  1. ─There were already five people in the car but they managed to take

    me as well.

─It a comfortable journey. A.can't be B.shouldn't be

C.mustn't have been D.couldn't have been 16.─ the sports meet might be put off.

─Yes,it all depends on the weather. A.I've been told B.I've told

C.I'm told D.I told

  1. They were all very tired,but of them would stop to take a rest.

    1. any B.some C.none D.neither
  2. Can you believe that in a rich country there should be many poor people?

    1. such; such B.such; so

C.so; so D.so; such

  1. We agreed here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.

    1. having met B.meeting

C.to meet D.to have met

  1. As she the newspaper,Granny asleep.

    1. read; was falling

    2. was reading; fell

    3. was reading; was falling

    4. read; fell

  2. All the leading newspapers the trade talks between China and the United States.

    1. reported B.printed C.announced D.published

22.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have . A.it B.those C.them D.one

  1. If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, great it is.

    1. what B.how C.however D.whatever
  2. You don't need to describe her.I her several times.

    1. had met B.have met C.met D.meet

25.I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ? A.turn it on B.turn it down

C.turn it up D.turn it off

  1. — You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

— Well, now I regret that.

A.to do B.to be doing

C.to have done D.having done 27.— Have you finished your report yet?

— No, I'll finish in ten minutes. A.another B.other C.more D.less

  1. You're your time trying to persuade him; he'll neverjoin us.

A.spending B.wasting C.losing D.missing 29.— How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

— It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the days at the seaside.

A.few last sunny B.last few sunny

C.last sunny few D.few sunny last

  1. — I'll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?

— Not at all. .

  1. I've no time B.I'd rather not

C.I'd like it D.I'd be happy to

  1. It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack be here at any moment.

    1. must B.need C.should D.can
  2. — I'd like information about the mangagement of your hotel, please.

— Well, you could have word with the manager.He might be helpful.

  1. some; a B.an; some C.some; some D.an; a
  1. It was not until 1920 regular radio broadcasts began.

    1. while b.which C.that D.since 34.— What did you think of her


— She for one hour but didn't much. A.spoke; speak B.spoke; say

C.said; speak D.said; say

  1. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him .

A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to 36.Would you like a cup of coffee shall we get down to

business right away?

A.and B.then C.or D.otherwise 37. is a fact that English is being accepted as an

international language.

A.There B.This C.That D.It

  1. Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was .

    1. did the villagers realize

    2. the villagers realized

    3. the villagers did realize

    4. didn't the villagers realize

39.I don't think Jim saw me;he into space. A.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared D.had just stared

  1. He gained his by printing of famous writers.

A.wealth;work B.wealths works

C.wealths;work D.wealth;works