1963 年试题


用英语回答以下问题。8 题全答。

  1. Where is your school? Is it far from your home?

How long does it take you to get there?

  1. How many reading-rooms are there in your school? 3.How old were you

    when you entered middle school? 4.How long have you studied English?

5.What are you going to do tomorrow evening? 6.What were you doing this time yesterday?

  1. Whom do you often write to?

  2. When did you first hear of Lei Feng (雷锋)?


Three years had ssed and things were even worse than before. One can hardly imagine how the poor people suffered. Most of the workers lost their jobs, and in order to provide for their families they sold everything they had in their houses. They could neither get food nor clothing.Many of them fell ill and died.

Now they began to understand that the factory owners (厂主们) were their enemies. But they believed that if the Government knew how hard their conditions were,they would give them some help. In a meeting they decided that they should send some of their men to London to tell the Government of the truth (真实情况). Jackson ( 杰克逊) was chosen to be one of them to go to the capital. He felt proud that he could do something for his friends.

A few days later, when Jackson came back from London and was asked to tell about what had happened there, he replied in a low voice,"I will never forget how we workers were treated(待遇) there;I will never forgive(饶恕) those who refused to hear us. Friends, let us do all we can to struggle against the capitalists and the Government which supports them."


将以下各句译成英语。9 题全译。1.我可以问一个问题吗?

  1. 英语不是短时期可以学会的。

  2. 让我们像雷锋(Lei Feng)一样地学习和工作。

  3. 上星期他告诉我,他已决定去农村工作。

  4. 我们昨天做的听写练习不很难。

  5. 我们大家都知道劳动创造世界。

  6. 他游泳游得好,因为他受过很好的训练。

  7. 我们在自己国家内建设社会主义的同时,还必须支持其他国家人民的革命斗争。

  8. 秋天到来的时候,天气会很晴朗。住在首都的人们都认为这是北京最好的季节。