1956 年答案



  1. He was warmly received by the Chinese people.

  2. He visited several Industrial centres and places of historic


  3. He thought that his visit would bring China and India together. He

    also thought that his visit was useful/important to world peace(or:would help world peace).

  4. When Premier Chou En-lai was in India, he and Prime Minister Nehru

    put forward the five principles for peaceful



  1. He was unable to pay his rent,and the owner of the house he lived in had thrown him out.

  2. He put his hands in his pockets in order to warm them up.

  3. He felt cold, hungry and uncomfortable when he was out in the street.

  4. He couldn't buy anything in the shop because he had no money.


十二年前武功村的农民正在两条战线上战斗—— 抵抗日本侵略者和抵抗饥荒。为了响应中国共产党和毛泽东主席在农业生产上组织起来的号 召,王兴和其他三个农民从当地抗日民主政府那里得到一小笔贷款,用来组织一个制造麻绳的生产小组。不久他们发现他们的处境很困难。假若他们继续做绳子,他们就不能同时在地里做活,假若他们不做绳子,他们的收入便不足以维持他们的生活。在这个时候,中国共产党的一个党员,耿长锁,加入了他们的生产小组。他们逐渐克服了许多困难,并且胜利地度过饥荒,维持了他们的生活。