1965 年答案



法国兵经常搜寻(或追捕)我们。(那时)我们就只好(或不得不) 东躲西藏(或从一个地方跑到另一个地方),有时在树上过一整夜,有时一连好几天很少吃到东西(或吃不到什么东西)。但是这一切对胡志明同志来说都算不了什么(或但是胡志明同志对这一切毫不在乎)。他常对我们说:“我们同法帝国主义的斗争(或法帝国主义和我们之间的斗争)是

(一场)生死的斗争。我们必须克服一切困难,将斗争进行到底。” B.问答

  1. They (orComrade Ho Chi Minh and his comrades)were going (back)to Viet Nam (from China).

  2. They had to hide in a cave because there were many French soldiers

    in the border area (and they couldn't go on).or As there were many French soldiers around, they could not go on and had to hide in a cave.

  3. He (orComrade Ho Chi Minh) studied (hard),discussed matters with his comrades or visited the people in the villages. Sometimes he organized study-groups for the grown-ups or taught the children to read and write.

  4. Yes,life in the mountains was very hard for them ( orYes,it was). For they had to live (or hide,or stay) in a cave where it was very cold at night. And when the French soldiers came after them,they would have to go from one place to another, sometimes staying a whole night in a tree, or having very little to eat for many days.(But all this was nothing to them.)