
Before windows were used,old houses in Northern Europe and Britain were very dark.Their great rooms were high,with onlya (one) hole in the roof to let out the smoke (dust) from cooking fires.As time went on (by),people began to make the holes bigger so as to have more light and air in their homes.

The first English window was just a small opening in the wall.It was cut long,to let in as much light as possible ,and narrow,to keep out the bad weather.However,with the window cut long,more wind than light would come in.This is why it was called"the wind's eye ".And the word "window" comes from two ancient words for"wind" and "eye". 五、汉译英

  1. This(The) new machine is made in China.

  2. How long (Since when) have you been away from home?

How long have you not been (back) home? How long is it since you left home?

  1. He never leaves the lab until (before)11:00 in the evening.

He always stays in the lab till 11:00 p.m.

  1. The coal(that, which)we use (are using)today comes(is)from forests

    of millions of years ago.

The coal(that ,which)we use (are using)today was formed from forests of millions of years ago.

  1. Our idea is that we should do the most of work with the least of


What we are thinking about(of) is that we should do as much as we can with the least money possible(possible money).

What we are thinking about is that we should do as much as we can with as little money as possible.