第四节 NMET 短文改错备考精要



  1. 考查英语的曲折附加成份(以表现英语学科显著的特点)。

  2. 学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误。

  3. 估计考生可能出现的错误。


英语学科显著的特点是指拼音文字所特有的表现形式,包括英语的曲折附加成份,如:动词的曲折变化,名词复数的曲折变化,代词的曲折变化, 比较形容词的曲折变化等,而汉语则无这种变化。


注:本节使用[ ] 符号表示:(在题目中)加缺漏词,(符号处为答案)。1.We were driving along a narrow road when the car[stop] working.


  1. The new boy or girl in school quickly[become] one of the class after a few games. becomes

  2. Anyone may borrow books and it[cost] nothing to borrow them. costs.

  3. Bill[is]standing at the side of the car,(talking to two men who was helping him to repair it.). was

  4. I went back to get David and helped him to[stood]up. stand

  5. Last sun day, police cars [ hurry] to the tallest building. hurried

  6. Also,scientist sand doctors[had]learned how to deal with many diseases. have

  7. If the book you[will] want is out,you may ask for it to be called back for you⋯[would]

  8. ⋯⋯talking to two men who[was]helping him to repair it. were

    10.However,David and I did not agree and David Pointed to a path

which he thought would probably[leading] to a village. lead 11.(if the book you want is out,you may ask for it tobe called

back for you,and if you pay)the cost of [Spend] a postcard,the librarian will(write to you⋯).spending

12.Charles and Linda Mason do all these things a swell as[climed]buildings. climbing

as well as 为复合介词短语,其后接(动)名词。名词复数的曲折变化:

  1. Different people speak different [language],⋯ languages

  2. We have been to Europe many[time]times

  3. There are branch[library] in many villages. libraries

  4. We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some[waters] from

a stream. water


  1. The game speaks for[themselves] itself

  2. When we walked to the car,Bill smiled and shook[ ] head.



1. Police cars hurried to the[taller] building in New York.tallest 2.(As a result,people in the morden world)generally live much

[(more)] longer than people in the past. more

4. In some places you may borrow[ ] many books as you want,⋯




l. A player’s native language is not [importance]important 2.As soon as I see a[ eraly]tall building,I want to Clim it . real. 命题之二:学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误(介词常和活跃的动词搭配,

构成表达法,是 NMET 短文改错的重要内容)。

  1. People in different parts [in]the world learn to understand one of another through sports .of

  2. People in different parts of the world learn to understand one[with]another through sports .[of]

  3. David and I wanted to go off to find help but Bill insisted [in]staying near the car .on

  4. WhenI have free time I go[ ]a long walk. for

  5. When they came down the police were angry [to]them. with


  1. One dose not need to understand the language of[ ]other.


  1. Some people read[the]books or watch TV while others have


  1. Good health is [ ] person’s most valuablepossession. a



  1. Different people speak different languages,but sports have a language of[its]own.[their]

  2. The game speaks for[themselves]. itself

  3. The new boy or girl in school quickly becomes one of the class after[]few games .a


连词 and,or 等)。

  1. Modern people know more about the health,have better food, and[to]live in cleaner surroundings.

  2. He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather then go into the forest and[getting]lost .get

  3. Anyone may borrow books and it[cost]nothing to borrow them. costs

  4. If the book you want is out,you may ask for it to be called back for you,and [whether]you pay. if


忽视 and→but;and→or;x→not 对于整个句意的逻辑关系所造成的根本变化。

  1. A football player from Japan can[not]play with a player from England.

  2. The new person on the job feels better after he[and] she has played—lenn is with other people in the office. or


  1. People[ ]do not know each other often become friends after have played together. who

  2. However,David and I did not agree and David pointed to a path which[it] he thought would probably lead to a village.


He[lied]down by the side of the path to rest. lay