
1.用人称代词、不定代词、指示代词或名词性物主代词替代某些名词, 例如:

I threw the ball to Tom and he threw it to Kate. John has three children,They are all at school.

I’ve used up my paper .will you please give me some? 2.用定冠词加序数词或某些形容词也可替代名词,例如:

Tom is always the first to come but the last to leave.

John and william are both hard working students. The former does well in maths,the latter in physics.


——Have you ever been to the Great Wall.

——Yes,I have. I went to there in 1990. 4.用“so”替代整句或句子的一部分。例如:

——Is it going to rain,pater?

——Yes,I think so.

5.用助动词“do”替代行为动词的谓语部分,例如: He can Jump almost as high as I do.

My wife enioyed the TV play. I did,too.