Step Ⅲ.Presentation and reading

  1. 出示挂图或用简笔画,进行看图问答练习: T:What can you see in the picture? Ss:We can see two boys and two balls.

T:Yes,two boys and two balls,the round one is soccer of football.

(板书并反复领读)and the other one is American football.(板书并反复领读)

T:Football is round and very popular in China.(写在 football 的下面,并解释 popular,标出音标)。Many people like it. American footballs not round and is very popular in the U.S. A.(写在 American football 的下面)And there are eleven players in a team in both games.

(在 football 和 American football 的下面都写上 eleven players.)

Football(soccer) American football
eleven players eleven players
round not round, like an egg
very popular very popular in the
[>p&pjul+]in China U. S. A.
  1. 领读上表内容,让学生初步区别两种运动。

  2. 合上书,放课文第二部分录音。第一遍静听,第二遍跟读。

  3. 打开书,学生自读 1—2 遍。然后教师领读一遍。

  4. 全班按 3 人分组进行朗读与问答:一人读导言,一人扮 LiLei,一人

扮 Sam。然后交换角色,共演练三遍。6.最后抽 2 个小组上台进行演练。Step Ⅳ.Consolidation

  1. 课堂作业:EX.1—3。

  2. 家庭作业:熟记本文所夏习内容,找出第 1—6 单元的难点。