Step Ⅵ.Practice

  1. 和同学们一起进行下列操练,使句子完整: T:When the telephone rings⋯

Ss:I must answer it. T:When I get up⋯

Ss:I must wash my face. T:When the bell rings⋯

Ss:We must go into the classroom. 换一种方式:

T:We must wear more clothes⋯ Ss:When the weather gets colder. T:We must listen to the teacher⋯ Ss:When we are in class.

T:We must study hard⋯ Ss:When we are at school.etc⋯

  1. 指出 when 引导的时间状语从句放在主句之前或放在主句之后均可。3.教师先范读 Part 2 一遍,然后领读两遍。学习生词 safe 和 cross。4.学生自读两分钟。
