Step Ⅳ.Practice

1.教师拿出第 89 课 Part1 的教学挂图,指图向全班发问: T:Who can you see?

Ss:We can see Jim and Kate. T:What does Kate want to do? Ss:She wants to get her ball.

T:What do you think Jim is saying to her? 帮助同学们一起回答:

You mustn’t play on the road. It’s dangerous. A car may hit you. 2.放第一部分录音,第一遍静听,第二遍边听边跟着复述。

  1. 打开书,学生两人一组练习对话并交换角色。

  2. 让 2—3 对学生站起来演练这段对话。