Step V. Presentation

  1. 教师展示出 3 张大小不一的纸,指最大的一张说:

This piece of paper is small.指稍小一点的说:This one is smaller.指最小的说:This one is the smallest of all.

  1. 教师在黑板上画 3 箱桔子,分别标有不同的价钱。指最贵的说:These

    oranges are cheap.指稍便宜点的说:These ones are cheaper.指最便宜的说:These ones are the cheapest of all.然后板书 cheap—cheaper—


  1. 教师指最便宜的桔子说:These or angers are good.指稍贵的说:These

    ones are better.指最贵的说:These ones are the best of all.然后板书并要求学生记牢:good—better—best.

  2. 游戏:叫一个学生出来,其余学生读上述 6
