Step Ⅳ.Presentation

1.教师在黑板上画几个月饼并提问: T:What are these?

Ss:They are mooncakes.

T:I like eating mooncakes with nuts.What about you? S1(举手):I like eating mooncakes with eggs.

S1(举手):I like eathg mooncakes with meat. 2.T:Do you like drinking tea?

S3(举手):Yes,I do,but I ’d like Chinese tea with nothing in it.

(板书)(转向 S4)What about you?

S4:I’d like tea with sugar or salt.(板书) sugar[>Mug+] n.糖;salt[s&:t]n.盐。

3.让学生猜 sugar 和 salt 的汉语意思。Step V. Practice(Read and act) 1.学生听 Part 2 的录音,同时跟读。

  1. 讲 述 :①With sugar and milk?②I’d like Chinese tea with nothing in it.③home cooking.注意它们的语调、用法和翻译。(请参看课本 P122。Notes of the text)④Mmm,it must bemore delicious!嗯,家里做的鱼和炸土豆条一定更好吃。其中 must 表示推测或具有较大的可能性。

E. g. A:Whose pen is this? B:It must be Lily’s.

  1. 学生自由朗读两遍。

  2. 让学生 3 人一组分 Ann,Chan 和 Mother 三个角色进行对话练习。

  3. 让 2—3 组学生上台分角色进行演练。