Step Ⅱ.Presentation


T:This is a bus stop. We can wait for a bus at the bus stop. 2.叫六位同学上来在标志前排成一队后

T:They’re waiting for a bus. If you are going to wait for a bus here,you must stand in line.

边打手势边重复上面句子两次并板书 in line,使同学们弄清它的含义


In Engiand,people call this line a queue.

重复两次并板书 a queue[kju:],带读几次后继续边示意边说:You must always wait in a queue(行列、长队)。

重复两次并板书 wait in a queue,解释:

It means you must alway stand in line.板书 must always 于黑板右边,待同学们弄懂它的含义后再说:

You must never jump the queue.

重复两次并板书 jump the queue,解释: It means you mustn’t jump the queue.

板书 must never 于 must always 之下,并叫第 6 位同学插队“加塞” 到第一位说:

This Is“jump the queue”。

注意:1)教师可采用多种形式进行讲解,如自己排在学生后面又插到前面去,并说:This is“jump the queue”。

2)在某些农村学校,教师可借用母语直接翻译出来“插队”、“加塞”。3.教师接着说:If you Jump the queue,other people willnot be


重复两次并板书 pleased,让同学们猜测它的含义。
