Stpe Ⅲ.Ask and answer

  1. 教师叫一个学生去关门。当他(她)正在关门时,向全班发问: T:What’s he/she doing?(板书)

Ss:He’s/she’s closing the door.( 板 书 ) T:OK.(再叫同一个学生开门,当他/她正准备去开时,问)What’s he/she

going to do?(板书)

Ss:He’s/She’s going to open the door.(板书)

叫学生齐读几遍这两组对话并注意比较两者的不同,以便理解现在进行时和一般将来时的形式和含义的区别,并强调指出助动词 be 的存在。

  1. 紧接着用 What’s he/she doing?和 what’s he/she going to


T:What’s he/she/Li Ming doing?

S2 : He/She/Li Ming is standing/writing/looking/sitting/singing/talking.

T:What is he/she/Li Ming going to do, do you know? S3:He/She/Li Ming is going to fly a kite/play basketball/work ona

farm/swim with his(her)father/go to a zoo.