Step Ⅳ.Learn

  1. 让学生听录音,要求找出其中的生词。

  2. 板书 another 并说明:another = an+other。例举:

①Here’s a Chinese book and here’s another one.

②Please give me another picture⋯⋯ 3.让学生再听一遍录音并边听边跟读。Step Ⅴ.Practice

  1. 让学生打开书仔细看插图,准备回答问题。教师先示范一遍: T:W bat can you see in the picture?

Ss:I can see some birds/trees/ships/people/a house. T:How many birds/trees/ships/people/houses can you see? Ss:I can see eight/five/two/three/only one.

  1. 学生分组练习,教师注意检查。

  2. 叫两对学生上讲台进行演练。Step Ⅵ.Play game“I can see”

  1. 教师说明游戏的做法:I’m thinking of a class-room object and I can see it.I will tell you its first letter. You must guess what it is. NOW,let’s begin.并示范:

T:I can see something and the first letter is b. Can you tell me whatit is?

S:Can you see a blackboard? T:No,I can’t.

S:Can you see a book? T:Yes.(再出 3—4 个题)

  1. 然后让 2—3 个学生先后上讲台主持这个游戏,每人出 3—4 个题,争取能把已学的教室里物品的名词都复习一遍。