
1.用师生对话形式复习一些方位介词的用法: T:Where’s the shop?

S1(举手):It’s in front of the park. T:OK. Where’s the farm? S2(举手):It’s behind the factory.

T:Good. And where is the school? S2:It’s next to the shop.


T:(指图提问)Excuse me,is there a hospital near here? S3:Yes,there is. People’s Hospital is over there.

T:Is it for from here? S3:No,itn’t. It’s near.

T:(速度放慢)Which is the way to People’s Hospital,please?


S3:(在老师指导下回答)Oh,walk along this street,take the first turning on the right. Then go on until(板书,领读) you reach the end.

(板书 end[end]并领读,解释其意)You’ll find a hospital in front of you. That’s it.

T:Thank you.

上面 S3 讲的话可板书,领读,让学生懂得其意。并让学生仿照以上对话进行练习;可分组进行。

3.解释句型:Which is the way to⋯?到⋯去的路是哪一条?并举例:

①Which is the way to South Park,please? 哪一条路去南方公园?

②Which is the way to your school? 去你们学校的路是哪一条?
