Lesson 15 教学设计

提示:熟练掌握“be going to + 动词原形”结构,以及含有这个结构的句型转换及回答有关问题。

Step Ⅰ.Revision 1.(叫课前准备好了的一、两组学生演练以下对话): A:Hello,Xie Hui! Where are you going?

B:I’m going to the shops. A:What are you going to do? B:I’m going to buy a few apples.

A:Good!could you get some for me,please? B:Certainly!Why don’t you come with me? A:Good idea!Let’s go!

2.把 apples 换成其他词,如 coats,shirts,trousers 等进行操练, 以便检查学生对“be going to +动词原形”的掌握程度。