Lesson 67

一、呈现内容: country 及阅读材料二、呈现方法:

教师画一幅世界地图简图,图上标出 China,USA,England,Australia 等国名。教师指着地图介绍:What’s this in English?It’s a map. It’ s a map of the world. Can you see China?Yes,it’s here. China is a country. The name of our country is China. 指着美国说: Is this a country?Yes,it’s USA. Can you see any other countries?Yes. We can see England,Australia and many other countries. China,USA,England, Australia are names of countries.(领读并板书 country,countries)

教师继续介绍并引导学生阅读:We can see many

countries on the map. What’s the weather like in these countries? Do they have the same weather?Please read the Passage and answer these qusetions.